
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (04) – Sicha Two (02)

10 Shvat 5721, Class 4; Sicha 2 (Class 2).Toras Menachem vol. 30 page 59 ff.The Etzem Luz and Techiyas HaMeisim.It offsets the question of שינוי החוזר לבריאתו לאו שמי’ שינוי.

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (03) – Sicha Two (01)

10 Shvat 5721, Class 3; Sicha 2 (Class 1).Toras Menachem vol. 30 page 57 ff.Melave Malka; connected to Moshiach and Techiyas HaMaisim.The Luz bone.

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (02) – Sicha One (02)

10 Shvat 5721, Class 2; Sicha 1 (Class 2).Toras Menachem vol. 30 page 54 ff.Message keeping up the Minhagim.

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (01) – Sicha One (01)

10 Shvat 5721, Class 1; Sicha 1 (Class 1).Toras Mencahem vol. 30 page 52 ff.Custom of the Maharal to feed the birds on Shabbos Shira.

10 Shvat 5721, Class 13-14; Sicha 3, 4.

10 Shvat 5721, Class 13; Sicha 3 (Class 6).Toras Menachem vol 30 page 67.The class was given on (30 Nissan) the Yahrzeit of the RaMaK, so there’s a discussion on the RaChaV’s place in the teachings of the Arizal.Ulidavka Bo is one of the 613 Mitzvos, and this one cannot be done properly without the…

10 Shvat 5721, Class 11-12; Sicha 3 (Class 4-5).

10 Shvat 5721, Class 11; Sicha 3 (Class 4).Toras Menachem vol 30 page 65-66.Mention of 25 Adar, the birthday of the Rebbetzin and the world according to Rav Yehoshu ben Chanania (Tzadik).Knowing where one’s Hisorerus comes from matters.When you realize that it is all from outside of you (from heaven) you’ll work to make it…

Toras Menachem – Mishpatim 5712 (02) Sicha One (02)

Class Two. Second example of the empowerment (discussed yesterday) is from the Parsha Mishpatim, We must, and therefore Hashem also must (as He does what He tells us) give loans. That means to get what we don’t deserve. However, we must find a way of returning it. Page 337.

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5712 (05) – Fourth Sicha (02)

Class Two. (including Fifth Sicha). More on alumni, once a Tomim always a Tomim at least in some aspect. The suggestion is to have two separate but contingent organizations. Page 315-8.

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5712 (04) – Fourth Sicha (01)

Class One. The idea of alumni is much truer in Kedusha (and as it relates to the infinite Torah) than in Klipa, so it must most certainly be. The name of Lubavitch stays with the person. Stories. page 315 ff.

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat (02) – Second Sicha (02)

Class Two. The question of women and Arvus. There are different levels: A) A Mitzva a woman must do and hasn’t done she can certainly do for her fellow as the Mitzva binds them, B) A Mitzva she must but has already done, her ability to do it for her fellow will depend on the…