Toras Menachem – Ufaratza Sichos 5718-5720 (03)
Toras Menachem vol. 24 page 48-52. Two levels in the idea of ופרצת. A) Combining infinity and finitude: ופרצת within ימה וקדמה וצפונה ונגבה. B) The higher level נחלה בלי מצרים no idea of limit at all. The second comes from the same Possuk but as it is revealed (deeper) in Torah Sheba’al Peh. לכתחילה…
Toras Menachem – Ufaratza Sichos 5718-5720 (02)
Toras Menachem vol 23 page 242-5 continued. 20 Menachem Av cont. on Ufaratzta theme. How Yeshivos should establish priorities based on the Ufaratzta principle, the increase in students and Ruchniyus creates the increase in Gashmiyus.
Toras Menachem – Ufaratza Sichos 5718-5720 (01)
Toras Menachem vol. 23 page 117-18, 130, 142-6, 150-1. Ma’amar, Sicha about how there are two opposites in Ufaratzta: finitude and infinity together. Kfar Chabad and more all in the spirit of Ufaratzta.
Toras Menachem – Neshei Convention 5718
Toras Menachem vol 22 pp 316-317 The lesson from counting- nothing and no one is insignificant; each is a whole number. What to do about this lesson.
Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5716 (12) – Twelfth Sicha.
Class Twelve. Page 357-8. After a fire one gets rich. How to help.
Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5716 (11) – Eleventh Sicha.
Class Eleven page 357. The Shluchim and the Shlichus (a few words).
Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5716 (06) -Eighth Sicha.
Class Six. Page 347-351. Camp Gan Yisroel transforming a negative American order in education into something positive.
Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5716 (05) -Seventh Sicha.
Class Five. Page 336-8. The עשרת הדברות are simple matters to teach how primary action is.
Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5716 (02) – Third Sicha.
Class Two. Page 328- 9. בנינו עורבים בעדינו The idea of Torah being new on Shavuos and we are on some level, all like children going to Yeshiva for the very first time, which is traditionally a very joyous event.
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