Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5719 (10) – Key to Lubavitch House London
Class Ten, Key to Bais Lubavitch London Brachos. Expectations, Shlichus everywhere.
Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5719 (09) – Fifteenth Sicha
Class Nine, Fifteenth Sicha In the beginning the Yom Tov of 12 Tamuz was a secret and no one was sure how it would all end but now it is revealed and it is clearly a great day.
Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5719 (08) – Fourteenth Sicha
Class Eight, Fourteenth Sicha The issue of Kfar Chabad being discussed is about Shlichus not about the question of the Mitzvah (etc) of living in Eretz Yisroel. Shlichus for life (stories about this).
Toras Menachem – Nitzovim / Vayelech – Erev Rosh Hashana 5719 to 5720 (05)
Class Five, Erev Rosh Hashana (5719 to 5720) Hataras Nidarim Pan Klali Pruzbal
Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5719 (07) – Thirteenth Sicha
Class Seven, Thirteenth Sicha Lechayim for Russian Jews, Kfar Chabad, and the Rabbeiim, they saw it as a village for spreading Yiddishkeit.
Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5719 (06) – Twelfth Sicha
Class Six, Twelfth Sicha. This class begins with 3 minutes on 12 Menachem (The Alter Rebbe’s wedding anniversary) Gan Yisroel and its incredible success Gan Yisroel in Europe, he mentions Rabbi Gershon Mendel and his Rebbetzin Garelik going in the way of the Rebbe.
Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5719 (05) – Eleventh Sicha
Class Five, Eleventh Sicha. ChiTaS, this is one of the days to remember and be reminded of this Inyan. A brief history of these Shiurim (especially Tehillim).
Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5719 (04) – Tenth Sicha
Class Four, Tenth Sicha Merkaz Shlichus, the people going often don’t see their own success because of the nature of the work, but it is there, “some place else”. It starts at the Farbengen, brings joy and life into the endeavor.
Toras Menachem – Re’ei – Mvorchim Elul 5720 (03)
CLASS THREE: In the third class, Rabbi Paltiel covers the connection between Parshas Re’eh and Elul. Re’ei means to see and in context it means to see G-dliness which is normally not seen. Our ability “to see” and not only believe has to do with the אחרונים ברצון the will from inside, from the Neshama.“When…
Toras Menachem – Re’ei – Mvorchim Elul 5720 (02)
Class Two:In the second class, further qualities of sin and ongoing personal choice are discussed. “There is a sin and there is a sinner” – what is the difference? The sins that we do, we tend to repeat – they become bad habits and we lose control. This class gives a theoretical but easy to…
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