
Tzav 06-02, 07, 18; 07-01, 11 Zos Toras… (Class Two) The Sforna

Tzav 06-02, 07, 18; 07-01, 11 Zos Toras… (Class Two) The Sforna.The question of why the laws of all the Korbanos are repaeted twice (adding just few details the second time) once in Vayikra and then again in Tzav, is explained by the appearance (five times (!!)) in Tzav of the phrase: זאת תורת.The Sforna…

Tzav 06:02, 07, 18; 07:01, 11 Zos Toras… (Class One).

Tzav 06-02, 07, 18; 07-01, 11 Zos Toras… (Class One). Three levels of recording Halachos in Chumash A. explicitly and in detail, like Korbanos (גופי תורה) B. things that are hinted in the Chumash and the rest we learn in Torah SheBaalPeh (הררים התלויים בשערה), C. ideas that are NOT AT ALL in Torah ShbiKsav,…

25. VaAchaltem Achol 5738 (this is a Hemshech to Layehudim [Purim])

VaAchaltem Achol 5738 PDF VaAchaltem Achol 5738, Class One.This Ma’amar is a Hemshech to Layehudim of Purim.This class is on the last part of the Ma’amar that deals with Purim.Purim is very special now but will be (even more) special even after Moshiach comes, because it is from the highest and reaches the lowest. First…

זאת תורת העולה ה’תש”מ.

Class One. In this first class on this מאמר the Rebbe discusses the idea of עבודה צורך גבוה- do our תורה ומצוות touch and matter to Him? The answer: In שמו or גילויים yes, but not in עצמות. He explains it using the מאמר עד שלא נברא העולם הי’ הוא ושמו בלבד. He explains that…

Va’achaltem achol 5747.

After all Birurim (separating the entanglement of Kedusha and klipa), and the Aliya (elevating into holiness) there remains an additional aliya (“Eating the already eaten [elevated]), that will happen le’asid. Aharon (Kohanim) have this idea right now in their korbonos.

Tzav 06:03 – Haramas Hadeshen (2011)

Tzav 06-03. Haramas Hadeshen, (5771).There was a special Mitzva to remove ash from the Mizbeach (altar) daily. This was besides the need to remove the ash from the Beis Hamikdash all together. This bit of ash was actually left to sink into the earth in the Beis Hamikdash itself. What does this Mitzva mean? This…

Tzav 06:02 – First Possuk – Meaning of the Structure of the Discussion of the Korbanos (2007)

Tzav 06-02. First Possuk. (5767).Meaning of the Structure of the Discussion of the Korbanos.

Tzav 2006 – Rebbe’s Kapitel Koof Hei

Tzav 2006 Because this class came out right before 11 Nissan – Rabbi Paltiel gave a shiur on the Rebbe’s Kapitel from this year (Kuf Hei)

Tzav – Structure of the Discussion of the Korbanos (2007)

Tzav 2007 – Meaning of the Structure of the Discussion of the Korbanos