Class Forty Two.
The RaMbaM’s Achdus, the world is governed by Hashem through the Mazalos (Malachim) but they have no choice or freedom and operate כגרזן ביד החוצב בו and we argue היתפאר הגרזן על החוצב. The “tools” according to the RaMbaM (a non-Mystic) aren’t perfect so the world that are a product of those tools cannot be…
Class Forty One.
The Argument that the RaMbaM “really” agrees that the second Mitzvah is not that Hashem is ONE but that the world isn’t separate from Him, even though the wording of the RaMbaM in the Mishna Torah doesn’t bear this out clearly.
Class Forty.
The three Zohars that show the two Mitzvos 1) Yedia 2) Achdus and that Achdus includes הוי’ הוא האלוקים.
Class Thirty Nine.
The argument that the Rambam also holds that the Mitzvah of Achdus includes the unity between Hashem and the world, (not only that He is one) as supported in his Sefer Hamitzvos.
Class Thirty Eight.
Introduction to Derech Mitzvosecha as a whole. Introduction to this Ma’amar of Achdus in particular.
Hayom Yom – 28 Iyar (1)
Stories about the Tzemach Tzedek and his relationship to his grandfather, the Alter Rebbe, especially after he had passed away and he would visit him in dreams. The Kabbalas HaNesius.
8 Teves.
Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, wife of the Tzemach Tzedek, a story or two about the Tzemach Tzedek’s Rebbetzin.
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