Class # 37
Part 19: (text p 41 5 lines from bottom) TZIMTZUM K’PSHUTO, LO K’PSHUTO. The Alter Rebbe says that Hashem is not only still here in creation, but is more revealed than when the light was here and shining.Think about an eclipse. The light is also here although not revealed to us, but Hashem sees the…
Class # 28
Part 10: (p 37 3 lines from bottom) HAMAOR HU B’HISGALUS. Tzimtzum c’peshuto or c’lo peshuto. Alter Rebbe”s chidush: The source of light i.e. the Aibishter is revealed in this world. Metzius nimtza is something that exists in time and space in relation to other things. Ohr Ain Sof is also a metzius. It doesn’t…
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