Exile and Redemption (097) – Makka of Orov (Wild Animals) – Likutei Sichos Vol. 11 page 24 ff. (02).
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (097) Likutei Sichos vol. 11 page 24 ff. (2). Continued. The Midrash sees all the מכות beginning with the very first as a series of steps to exhaust Egypt. accordingly ערוב wasn’t about killing Egypt, but to confuse them, thus the name: ערוב.
Exile and Redemption (096) – The Makkos – Likutei Sichos Vol. 11 page 24 ff. (01)
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (096) Likuti Sichos vol. 11 page 24 ff. (01) The first three plagues punished the Egyptian gods, only from the fourth plague and on were the Egyptians themselves being punished. Therefore only from the fourth plague on was the difference between the Jews and the Egyptians very noticeable.
Exile and Redemption (095) – Frogs – Likutei Sichos Vol. 21 page 38 ff.
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (095) Likutei Sichos vol. 21 page 38 ff. The frogs represent an in between state: creations that are neither helpful nor harmful, that are philosophically worse than both extremes. Like an in between level of faith. They too declared אחדות השם.
Exile and Redemption (094) – Dam / Tzfardea – Likutei Sichos Vol. 01 page 119 ff.
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (094) Likutei Sichos vol. 01 page 119 ff. The first two plagues represent parallel yet opposite ideas: Dam- Blood, is to warm Egypt from it’s natural coldness to holiness, to be warmed by it. Tzfardea- Frogs were to cool off Egypt’s passions to worldliness. Here the order (is atypical:) first from…
Exile and Redemption (092) – Makkas Dam (Blood) (01) – Likutei Sichos Vol. 31 page 34 ff.
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (092) Likutei Sichos vol. 31 page 34 ff. Class One. The plague of blood was static- being fully manifest from the first moment and not advancing over the course of the week it lasted. Still at week’s end it was completed- why? We’ll continue next time.
Exile and Redemption (090) – Stick / Serpent / Stick (02) – Likutei Sichos Vol. 26 page 49 ff.
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (090) Likutei Sichos vol. 26 page 49ff. (Part Two). This class continues the Sicha, explaining the point of this miracle with the serpent, to show Hashem’s dominance over the Pharaoh.
Exile and Redemption (089) – Stick / Serpent / Stick (01) – Likutei Sichos Vol. 26 page 49 ff.
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (089) Likutei Sichos vol. 26 page 49 ff. (part one). The event of the stick becoming a serpent and then a stick again and only then swallowing the sticks of the Egyptian magicians, goes to the core of all the ten Makkos to show Hashem’s dominance over the Pharoh. This explains…
Exile and Redemption (087) – Introduction to class on purpose of the Makkos – Likutei Sichos – Vol 36 pp 33 ff
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (087) Likutei Sichos – Vol 36 pp 33 ff Introduction to class on purpose of the Makkos. The Makkos were needed to get Yidden out of Egypt but they had deeper purposes as well.
Exile and Redemption (086) – Only Moshe can Break Pharoah – Likutei Sichos Vol. 16 page 69 ff.
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (086) Likutei Sichos vol. 16 page 69 ff. Moshe is Elokim to Pharoah, and Aharon is his Navi. Some things can not be delegated; the breaking of Pharoah needed to be done by Moshe. The story of the מאמר ראה נתתיך אלוקים לפרעה.
Exile and Redemption (085) – Moshe and Aharon: Similarities and Differences – Likutei Sichos Vol. 16 page 58 ff.
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (085) Likutei Sichos vol. 16 page 58 ff. Moshe and Aharon: dual leaders, are exactly the same inasmuch as they are their parents children, but they are different inasmuch as they in their own way is concerned.
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