
Exile and Redemption (084) – Moshe Complains – Likutei Sichos Vol. 31 page 23 ff.

Vaeira Exile and Redemption (084) Likutei Sichos vol. 31 page 23 ff. Moshe complains (and he is right). But Hashem explains that this is the only way to get הוי’ה on the level above all constraints.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 119 ff – Dam / Tzfardea

Vaeira Exile and Redemption (094) The first two plagues represent parallel yet opposite ideas: Dam- Blood is to warm Egypt from its natural coldness to holiness, and to be warmed by it. Tzfardea- Frogs were to cool off Egypt’s passions to worldliness. Here the order (is atypical:) first from the top down and then from…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 36 p 033 ff -Reasons why the Makkos were necessary – Introduction

VaEra Exile and Redemption (087) The Makkos were needed to get Yidden out of Egypt but they had deeper purposes as well.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 21 p 038 ff – Frogs

Vaeira Exile and Redemption (095) The frogs represent an in-between state: creations that are neither helpful nor harmful, that are philosophically worse than both extremes. Like an in- between level of faith. They too declared אחדות השם.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 36 p 026 ff – Makka of Boils

Vaeira Exile and Redemption (100) A unique characteristic of מכת שחין was that it was performed in a way that could be seen as natural. This is part of how Hashem taught Egypt about Himself.

Sicha – RaMbaM / Alter Rebbe / VaAira (09)

Rambam and Alter Rebbe’s connection to Parshas VaAira, to Know God is the first commandment (so it says in the Zohar and the Rambam brings this in the Sefer HaYAd). Page 30-1.

VaAira 5745.

Two levels are described in the first P’sukim of our Parsha. Avos had Sheim Shakai, and Moshe was given (for Yidden) Sheim Havaya. 1) VaAira el HaAvos, how much we got from the Avos as a ‘sign’ from them to us which is not only a sign but a provision of power to achieve, in…

Hu Aharon Umoshe 5744.

Class One. The first half of this Ma’amar discusses the dual expression in the Possuk Aharon UMoshe and Moshe ViAharon. It is explained this on four levels: 1) Each does a different task- Aharon does Yetzias Mitzrayim and Moshe the bittul of the Pharaoh, 2) Each needs the others assistance, but the primary player in…