וידבר אלקים… אני הוי’ תשמ”ב.
This מאמר explains the basic idea of this Possuk. The idea that הוי was only revealed because of מתן תורה, and the transcendence of הוי versus all the other שמות. We must do the עבודה of the אבות as well as our own, This explains the ד’ לשונות של גאולה that represent both levels.
ויאמר הוי’ … כי ידבר… לתנין ה’ תשמ”א.
What does the snake miracle that precedes the ten מכות mean and represent? All the מכות are not only to get Yidden out of Egypt, but also for the elevation of sparks, עבודת הבירורים. The snake sets this all up, and particularly the fact that it goes from stick to snake and back again and…
Vayedaber Elokim… VaAira 5714
The theme of this Ma’amar is the revelation of Havaya and specifically the Havaya (dileaila) which is higher than a relationship with the worlds. Torah and its purpose reveals the Ein Sof. He argues that the association of Havaya to Yetzias Mitzrayim and Krias Yam Suf is only because it is leading up to Mattan…
VaAira 5712 (‘Der Frumer VaAira’)
Also known as ‘Der Frumer VaAira’. Class One. “The Frumer VaAira” of the Alter Rebbe (originally) reviewed by the Rebbe in 5712. The Ma’amar is being taught in two classes. This class overviews the Ma’amar and some of its history. It then explores the ‘Zoche’ person who need not do Teshuva because 1) he reaches…
“Der Frumer vaAira”, The Alter Rebbe.
“Der Frumer vaAira” (5554). Long Version (Yeshiva, 5773/2013). The Alter Rebbe’s Maamar about no sparks (or Jews) being lost, that it may (not only include but) necessitate Teshuva davka, and it cannot happen without this.’ Short overview (Beis Miodrash Linashim, 5773/2013). review of “the Frumer VaAira” of the Alter Rebbe.
Vaera 07:12 – Swallowing the Sticks
After Aharon throws his staff to the ground and the Pharaoh’s magicians match the feat Aharon’s staff swallows theirs. This class includes Even Ezra, Rashi, Maharam, Sforno, Chida, A Sicha (Likutei Sichos vol. 26) and a Maamar (5741).
Vaera 07:09 – The STAFF
Moshe is commanded: tell Aharon to throw his staff to the ground and it will become a serpent, as a divine sign to the Pharaoh. This is the only sign the Pharaoh gets before the plagues.
Vaera 07:01 – Moshe’s Mission (5769).
Hashem insists on Moshe speaking for Him despite his handicap. Moshe will speak for Hashem and Aharon will be his communicator (“prophet”).
Vaera 06:26~27 – Moshe and Aharon (5773/2013)
Two P’sukim that seem to be repeating the very same thing: That Moshe and Aharon took Yidden out of Mitzrayim, the first says Hu Aharon UMoshe and the second ends Hu Moshe Viaharon and in the middle it says Heim (in plural) what is going on here? Rashi, Chizkuni, Even Ezra, Alshich, Yonasan Aibeshitz and…
Vaera 06:02 – The Ramban (5766)
One of the great theological questions is discussed by the Ramban at the beginning of this Parsha: is reward and punishment a natural effect of our actions or is it a distinct act of G-d. This question is addressed in this class.
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