11c. Vayakhel Moshe (ויקהל משה) 5712-3
Class Three. 3) This is the end of the Ma’amar explaining the Pesukim– Vayakheil, to gather all aspects of all Yidden and the world in general, and join them together in the effort of making a דירה לו יתברך בתחתונים. This is through work ששת ימים תעשה מלאכה, so we can have משיח, which is…
Vayakhel 38:08 – The Copper Mirrors (5768)(02)
The mirrors Moshe hesitated to take were the most precious offering Yidden gave in building the Mishkan. These mirrors had contributed to the birth of the Jewish nation. Some commentary. Class One. Class Two. Vayakhel Copper Mirrors Class TwoSources: Likutei Sichos, Vol. 6, p. 196 ; Ma’amarim 5719, p.623
Vayakhel 38:08 – The Copper Mirrors (5768)(01)
The mirrors Moshe hesitated to take were the most precious offering Yidden gave in building the Mishkan. These mirrors had contributed to the birth of the Jewish nation. Some commentary. Class One. Class Two. Vayakhel Copper Mirrors Class OneSources: Rashi, E. Ezra, Ramban, Tosefos, Ralbag, Shach – 60.51 MB (size will be reduced to half)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 16 p 443 ff – A RaShI sicha on the last RaShI in Vayakeil
Likutei Sichos – Vol 16 p. 443 ff. A RaShI sicha on the last RaShI in Vayakheil. The meaning of the word לעומת (opposite, above, parallel to) is discussed in explaining a RaShI.Reb Yosi explains לעומת to mean higher above; but RaShI doesn’t feel compelled to agree with him. He holds that לעומת could mean…
Toras Menachem -Vayakhel 5714 (07) – Third Sicha (01)
Class Seven. Page 116-118. Learn from your pocket Tanya with these misnagdim and all questions will dissolve, like the story of the Alter Rebbe himself.
Toras Menachem -Vayakhel 5714 (06) – Second Sicha (06)
Class Six. Page 115-116. Lesson from the Melacha of ‘Aish’. Adding fire is the primary Melacha. The lesson is, that the key is to add in light, not to focus on what to criticize.
Toras Menachem -Vayakhel 5714 (05) – Second Sicha (05)
Class Five. Page 114-115. Jealousy based on hatred will never pass. When people see a flaw in another they are seeing their own flaws.
Toras Menachem -Vayakhel 5714 (04) – Second Sicha (04)
Class Four. Page 112-114. Printing the Letters of the Frierdike Rebbe is not allowed without permission, they have an (living) owner.
Toras Menachem -Vayakhel 5714 (03) – Second Sicha (03)
Class Three. Page 111-112. The ChaZaL say that people make mistakes because they want to.
Toras Menachem -Vayakhel 5714 (02) – Second Sicha (02)
Class Two. Page 110-111. When silence is preferred.
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