Toras Menachem -Vayakhel 5714 (01) – Second Sicha (01)
Class One. Page 108-110. Mitzvah Lifarsem Osei Mitzvah (to celebrate those who perform mitzvos), without too much concern for Yeshus and Pniyos.
Vayakhel 37:29. – Shemen HaMishcha KODESH and the Kitores TAHOR (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).
37-29. Shemen HaMishcha KODESH and the Kitores TAHOR (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).Why does the Torah (in this case) call Kitores Tahor?Could there be an upside to Tahara (which is lower than Kedusha) even over Kedusha.Hashem is usually associated with Kedusha is called Tahor also.
Vayakhel – Two Accounts Two Meanings and Moshe’s role in all of this
Vayakheil (5780 Yeshiva), two accounts, two meanings, and Moshe’s role in all of thisThe Torah starts with Aron HaKodesh, Betzalel finishes with is because there’s the way it is “supposed to be” (מלמעלה למטה) and the way it is (מלמטה למעלה.)But Moshe actually puts the Mishkan up, because as holy and lofty and “heavenly” as…
ויקהל משה ה’תשמ”א.
Moshe gathers the Jews and speaks first of Shabbos and then of the Mishkan; which is the opposite of how Hashem inspired him, where Shabbos was last. The Rebbe explains that these Pesukim are describing Hakhail; where the first step is Shabbos: Bittul followed by bringing Hashem into each aspect of life: The Bais HaMikdash.
Vayakheil Moshe 5714
Class One. This class raises and answers all six questions in this Ma’amar and explains the first three Pesukim of Vayakheil in sequence. Vayakheil Moshe- to give them Koach from the mountain top to be able to do Birurim in this world. Aile Hadevurim… refers to the 39 types of work that one should do…
Vayakhel 36:07 – The “work” was sufficient (5770)
People were told to stop bringing offerings for the building of the Mishkan as there was more than enough. What is the depth of this idea.
Vayakhel 35:02 – Shabbos and the Mishkan (5771)
Why are these two ideas (always) mentioned together: Shabbos and the Mishkan.
Vayakhel 35:01 – First Possuk (5767)
35-01. The First Possuk, Gathering the People. This class digs deeply into the first half of the first pasuk in this parsha. Sources include: Rashi (and a sicha on Rashi from the Lubavitcher Rebbe), Even Ezra, Ramban, R.Bechaye, Tur, Arizal (one niglah commentary and one nistar), and a maamar from the Lubavitcher Rebbe from 1981.
Monday 10 Adar 2 5714.
Class Eight. Page 119-121. Nichum Availim by the Kapishnitzer Rebbe. Telegram for Purim to Eretz Yisroel.
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