
Vhu Omeid aleihem 5713.

Class One. Vehu Omeid Aleihem, In this Maamar Tohu and Tikun (both) are only Giluyim. Atzmus is Adam (Z”A) . Explanation. Class Two. The ideas of Birurim and achilas Adam are like: 1) Eating on Shabbos vs. the weekdays, 2) Tzadikim vs. Beinonim etc., 3) Neshamos and Malachim. On this basis he explains VeHu (Avrohom,…

Vayera 22:01 – The Test of the Akeida

The test of the Akeida. What is the meaning of a test altogether? Doesn’t He know who we are and what we’ll choose? VAYEIRA 2006 – FROM THE POTENTIAL TO THE ACTUAL This is a powerful class on the question of why Hashem tested Avraham and why he tests us. The classic commentaries explain that…

Vayera 21:33 – Vayita Eshel

Vayera 2009: Vayita Eshel – Insights Avrohom’s “AISHEL”. Tent or Tree.

Vayera 21:01 – VaHavaya Pakad Es Sarah (5773/2012).

VaHavaya Pakad Es Sarah. 1) Why the closeness to Avimelech’s story?, 2) Why the repetition? 3) What is the difference between Pakad and Asa? 4) and between Amar and Dibber? Rashi, RaDaK, Chizkuni, Sforno, Alshich, Kli Yakar, Reb Yonasan Aibeshitz, Maamar 5643.

Vayera 19:24 VaHashem Himtir Al Sedom

VaHashem Himtir Al Sedom… AND Hashem rained down on Sedom…from HASHEM…how do we read this conflicted Possuk.

Vayera 18:03 – The ‘Adnai’ in the beginning of the Parsha (5774/2013).

The ‘Adnai’ in the beginning of our Parsha is discussed in this class. The ChaZaL question whether this is kodesh or chol. Gemara Shavuos, Rashi, RaMbaN, Chizkuni, RaDaK, Rabbeinu Bechayey, Samach Vov, Likutei Sichos. We start out with two ideas that then become three, finally the three become one. Adnai means Hashem as He is…

Vayera 18:01 – A Perfect Reward

VAYEIRA 2006 – A PERFECT REWARD The first Possuk in the Parsha. The first possuk in parshas Vayeira indicates that Hashem appears to Avraham. After appearing, however, Hashem does nothing. This mystery is commented on by many Torah greats and is beautifully addressed in Chassidic sources as well. Sources covered include the Rashbam, Rashi, Eben…

Vayera – Beginners Class – Bris Mila of Yitzchok

Bris Mila of Yitzchok A beginners class on the Parsha. This class from the Maayan Chai series covers the inner meaning of the bris mila of Avraham Avinu compared to that of Ishmael and finally Yitzchak. This class was transferred from tape and cleaned to the extent possible. Please excuse any remaining noise.

Vayera – Overview (5772/2011).

An overview with some observation. Avrohom Avinu after the Bris.