Toras Menachem – Vayeshev 5712 (05) – Second Sicha (04)
Class Four. The order of the Avos was Maasim Tovim (Avrohom) Chupa (Yitzchok), Torah (Yaakov). We who have inherited their efforts do this in the correct order, so there be no negative side effect (as there was with Avrohom and Yitzchok). We therefore do Torah (clarity) first, then Chupa (limitations and exactness) then Maasim Tovim…
Toras Menachem – Vayeshev 5712 (04) – Second Sicha (03)
Class Three. Gevura alone is also not good. There must be balance. Gaava run amok in the name of “Shminis ShebiShminis”. Page 217-19.
Vayeshev 37:03 – The Multicolored Coat – Ksones Pasim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).
Vayyshev Parsha – The Multicolored Coat – Ksones Pasim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).Summary – An exploration of the various interpretations of Yosef’s multi-colored coat, its possible physical appearance as well as its spiritual meaning, reason for its existence and applications to the story of Yosef overall. The class includes an introductory discussion of what it meant that…
Vayeshev 38:26 – Yehuda’s Teshuva
Parshas Vayeshev, Yeshiva (5780/ 2019)This Parsha has many ideas (dreams, Yosef’s sale, Gilgulim, Moshiach) but we will speak of Yehuda’s Teshuva.Hashem demonstrates how much it means to Him, when someone simply says: I did it. I am wrong. And I am sorry.
The tribes (36) – Yosef Goes out of Galus – Likutei Sichos Vol 35 p 163 ff
Vayeshev The Tribes (36) Likutei Sichos vol. 35 page 163 ff. Yosef goes out of Galus. This Sicha which analyzes RaShI reveals the two aspects (or steps) in Yosef’s departure from Galus. 1) No opposition, 2) Transforming and becoming the master over the Galus.
The Tribes (35) – Potifar’s Wife Seduction – Likutei Sichos Vol. 1 page 78 ff
Vayeshev The Tribes (35) Likutei Sichos vol. 1 page 78 ff. Potifar’s wife seduction: The wife of Potifar sees that she must contribute to the future of Yosef and believes that God may work even in strange ways. Yosef’s perspective: The ends don’t justify the means. One must follow the law to the letter.
The Tribes (34) – Yosef is Matzliach – Likutei Sichos Vol. 25 page 213 ff.
Vayeshev The Tribes (34) Likutei Sichos vol. 25 page 213 ff. Yosef is ‘Matzliach’ (accesses his Mazal in a very blessed way) because of his adaptability to the reality and hardship of Galus. He descends from bad to worse, from Slave to Prisoner and as his circumstances challenge him more he digs deeper to find…
The Tribes (33) – Yosef is in and Above Galus – Likutei Sichos Vol. 25 Page 193 ff.
Vayeshev The Tribes (33) Likutei Sichos vol. 25 Page 193 ff. This is another version of the same class (above 29) that focuses exclusively on Yosef being in and above the galus, thus mastering and ruling Egypt from the moment he arrives there.
The Tribes (32) – Why did Yosef go on a Mission from his Father? – Likutei Sichos Vol. 35 page 169 ff.
Vayeshev The Tribes (32) Likutei Sichos vol. 35 page 169 ff. Yosef went on a mission from his father to see his brothers knowing what they might do to him. Why did he go? Rashi and Ramban: According to Rashi he knew what they would do and went anyway: 1) He chose to go above…
The Tribes (31) – Lessons from Yosef’s Dreams – Likutei Sichos Vol. 03 page 805 ff.
Vayeshev The Tribes (31) Likutei Sichos vol. 03 page 805 ff. The particulars of Yosef’s two dreams (the bundles and the stars) teach us things about serving Hashem and Golus. 1) We go in order from lower to higher (even in Golus), 2) Work, nothing real is free, 3) We gather many into one, 4)…
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