
Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 310 ff – Yaakov wanted Serenity

Vayeshev Patriarchs (25) Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 310 ff Ya’akov wanted Shlava (serenity) but to get it he had to go through much more hardship, but in the end he got what he wanted.

Vayashkeim Lavan Baboker Vayenashek…5748.

Lavan’s kiss spiritually empowers Avoda. Lavan then departs so not to interfere with free will.

Vayishlach Yaakov 5747.

Vayishlach, Yaakov’s hope to meet Eisav in his source are dashed. Yaakov then deals and elevates the actual Eisav, but then refuses to join him in Seiir, as the Geula has been delayed. His children will have to complete the task.

וישלח ה’תשמ”ג.

This Maamar explores the Vayishlach maamarim of the Alter Rebbe and the Mitteler Rebbe, how they all flow along the theme of the Parsha from the beginning until Shlishi. It also explores an initial idea that the Mitteler Rebbe later refutes but does not remove from the מאמר. That even in פנימיות התורה there is…

עם לבן גרתי ה’תשמ”ב.

Lavan (on high) inspires correcting not only the spiritual Aisav, but the physical and actual Aisav as well. Lavan is also corrected on all levels. In this class we understand the Ma’amar to be saying that various levels of Lavan and Aisav are sequentially corrected from the top down: 1) לובן העליון נותן כח לברר…

Vayishlach 32:29 – Eisav’s Malach Blesses Yaakov (5773/2012).

The Malach of Aisav is not allowed to leave until he blesses Yaakov.. He anticipates that Hashem will (in the future) change his name to Yisroel. He also gives him a Bracha. Rashi, Chizkuni, RaDaK, Rabbeinu Bechayey, RaLbaG, Alshich , Chasam Sofer, Maamar (Alter Rebbe). Why Yaakov must keep both names and not give up…

Vayishlach 32:14 – The Mincha Yaakov sent Eisav (5771)

Yaakov slept. Then arose and took what came to his hand and sent it to Eisav as a Mincha (offering). Why did he sleep? What does come to hand mean? Why is it called a Mincha. This class has Chizkuni, Rashi, Ramban, Radak, Abarbanel, Rabeinu Bachaya, Alshich, Maase Hashem, Toras Yonason (Aibeshits), Rikanti, Chassidus (Likutei…

Vayishlach 32:04 – The Whole Story

VAYISHLACH 2008 – YAAKOV MEETS EISAVThe SHELA and the Alter Rebbe both explain the meeting between Yaakov and Eisav on a mystical level (also). This class attempts to reveal the brilliance of these two commentaries in the entire story.

Vayishlach 32:04 & 32:25 – MALACHIM

(What are Angels? Who did Yaakov send to Eisav? with whom did Yaakov wrestle?). VAYISHLACH 2005 – WHAT ARE ANGELS?