
Toras Menachem – Vayeshev 5712 (03) – Second Sicha (02)

Class Two. Yaakov is Torah that gives balance to (the otherwise) polar attributes of Chesed and Gevura. The foibles of what would be if we were strictly Chesed.

Patriarchs (19) – Yaakov’s Two Conditions – Likutei Sichos vol. 15 page 243 ff.

Vayeitze Patriarchs (19) Likutei Sichos vol. 15 page 243 ff. Ya’akov makes two conditions with Hashem and then two promises. This Sicha shows that the requests were for help at serving Hashem to set up the fulfillment of the two promises. Aliyas HaNeshama and Dira BiTachtonim.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 229 ff – Yaakov Goes to Mitzrayim

Vayigash The Tribes (49) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 229 ff Ya’akov is happy to go to Egypt yet apprehensive. How can this be reconciled. The Rebbe reveals that not only are these two feelings not incompatible they are actually mutually interdependent.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 222 ff – Yaakov celebrates Yosef’s Accomplishments

Vayigash The Tribes (48) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 222 ff רב עוד יוסף בני חי Upon discovering that his son is alive not only in body but in spirit as well, Ya’akov celebrates what his son Yosef has become, exceeding all expectation.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 190 ff – In Golus Hashem’s Hashpaah comes through Non-Jews

Miketz The Tribes (41) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 190 ff Ya’akov tells his children to get ready to be dependent on the Non-Jews in the time of famine, because he senses that Golus is coming, and that this is how God’s miracle would reach them. In Golus we get our food and knowledge…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 176 ff – Yaakov wanted Shalva II

Vayeshev Patriarchs (26) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 176 ff Ya’akov wanted the Shalva (serenity) he deserved, but Hashem decided to give him more than he wished for. But to do this he had to go through the twenty two year Yosef ordeal.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 227 ff – Yaakov davens about his sons’ trip to Mitzrayim

Miketz The Tribes (43) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 227 ff Ya’akov is talking to his sons about their upcoming trip to Egypt. He knows what his sons told him, but he senses something more is at hand, so he Davens. He explains that he’s Davening just in case. But the brothers who know…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 193 ff – Galus viz a viz Yaakov the Shvatim and Yosef

Vayeshev The Tribes (29) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 193 ff (version one) Three personalities, three Galus perspectives: 1) Yaakov, he was not in the Galus at all. 2) The Shvatim, they are a part of the Galus and only survive it by being in (relative) isolation, as Shepherds. 3) Yosef, he is in…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 168 ff – Return of Yaakov to Eretz Yisroel

Vayeitze Patriarchs (23) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 168 ff The return of Yaakov to Eretz Yisroel found him whole not only according to the promises Hashem gave him, but that he didn’t even suffer (in a lasting way) for the Avoda sacrifices he needed to make in Golus.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 150 ff – Yaakov’s Malachim escorts

VaYeitze Patriarchs (21) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 150 ff Malachim before, Malachim after; When Yaakov leaves Eretz Yisroel, the local angels cannot lead him into Chutz La’aretz and new Malachim appear, while on his return, the Eretz Yisroel angels come out to greet. The reason: in the beginning they are empowering him and…