
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 150 ff – Malachim Before and Malachim After

Vayeitze Patriarchs (21) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 150 ff Malachim before, Malachim after; When Yaakov leaves Eretz Yisroel, the local angels cannot lead him into Chutz La’aretz and new Malachim appear, while on his return, the Eretz Yisroel angels come out to greet. The reason: in the beginning they are empowering him and…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 243 ff

Ya’akov makes two conditions with Hashem and then two promises. This Sicha shows that the requests were for help at serving Hashem to set up the fulfillment of the two promises. Aliyas HaNeshama and Dira BiTachtonim.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 063 ff / Vol 03 p 787 ff – Yaakov was the most Successful of the Avos

Vayeitze Patriarchs (18) Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 63 ff / Vol 03 p 787 ff Yaakov was the most successful of the Avos, as all his children were Tzadikim and he had them in Golus.

Toras Menachem – Breishis 5712 – Class Three.

Second Sicha (cont.). The Koach Yaakov got from 1) Lavan who gave him sparks he couldn’t elevate deliberately (himself), 2) Meeting the Malachim, had he trusted more, there’d be no struggle with Aisav.

Toras Menachem – Breishis 5712 – Class Two.

Second Sicha introduction. Introduction to second Sicha. VYaakov Halach LiDarko with koach Lavan chased after him to give to him. What it means to us and Avoda. Page_110.