Maggid Of Mezrich – Lecture 02
The Maggid continued. He joined the Baal Shem Tov’s movement very late. Why he was favored; a PAN from the Baal Shem Tov. Shavuos 5520, 5521 Reb Tzvi and the Maggid, The Maggid was a very great leader and reestablished the Chassidic movement, using a pyramid system.
Maggid Of Mezrich – Lecture 01
The holy Maggid, his early years, his choice to be a Melamed, His poverty, His Rebbe the Pnei yehoshua, his coming to the Baal Shem Tov at the end of his Nesius.
The Biography of the Rebbe RaShaB – Class ? -Histalkus of the Rebbe RaShaB. (5767).
The dramatic story of the Rebbe Rashab’s passing on 2 NISSAN 5680.
Father, Son, Grandson (5777) – (Rebbe Rashab, Rebbe Rayatz, The Rebbe)
Three generations, one chain and such great change. How are these three generations one, though on the outside, there seem to be fundamental differences between them.
The Biography of the Rebbe RaShaB – Class 10; Rebbe Rashab – Chassidic traditions renewed. (5772/2011).
The Biography of the Rebbe RaShaB – Class 10; Rebbe Rashab – Chassidic traditions renewed. (5772/2011).The Rebbe (RaShaB) Nishmoso Eiden’s efforts at spreading old Minhagei chassidim. Based on the introduction to the Kunteres “Umayan” and his tzava’a (will).
The Rebbe Rashab – The RaMbaM of Chassidus (5775/2014).
This class (or Farbrengen) explores the unique contribution of the Rebbe RaShaB to the philosophy of Chassidus ChaBaD. His orderly style and his resolving contradictions and streamlining of the language make his Ma’amarim far more learn-able than the Ma’amarim before him. Two ideas: 1) ‘Tun (working to understand, clarify and correct: which only a Rebbe…
The Biography of the Rebbe RaShaB – Class 8; Rebbe RaShaB – A story of a young Rebbe
Rebbe RaShaB – A story of a young RebbeThis class is based on an episode related by the Frierdike’ Rebbe in a new volume of Igros Kodesh. It relates a meeting between the young Rebbe RaShaB and older Chassidim. It reveals their love for him and their encouragement to him.
More on Reb Nochum Tchernubiler (5777/2016).
Reb Nochum Tchernobiler He passed away on 11 MarCheshvan in 5558/1797.
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