
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 09a

9a. (Short) HaMalach HaGoel. Toras Menachem vol. 7 Page 76. Children and HaMalach Hagoel. a custom the Rebbe maintained for a few years, having the children sing and Simchas Torah and having someone bless them with the Possuk HaMalach HaGoel.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 25

Class Twenty Five. The dispute with friends is the hardest: 1) Reb Avrohom Kalisker, 2) Reb Boruch of Mezibuz.

Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 7

Class Seven. 5708-10. 1) Israel, Zionism and the Rabbeiim, 2) The Immigrants to Eretz Yisroel and keeping them frum (and aware of the dangers of Secular Zionism), 3) North African idea and its great success; which would be undertaken by the Rebbe after the passing of the Frierdike Rebbe.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 24

Class Twenty Four. The Liadi period. 1) Stories. 2) The Zlobiner Chassunah, 3) New decrees.

Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 6

Class Six. 5704-7,1) Kovetz Lubavitch, 2) The Lishka LiPlaitim in Paris, 3) Jewish Farmer’s assistance, and more.

The Rebbe. (5770). A three part series (given at the BESHT) – Class 1

The Rebbe Class One. In the first class are some stories about the Rebbe’s early life.

The Rebbe. (5770). A three part series (given at the BESHT) – Class 2

The Rebbe Class Two. Classes two and three explore some of the Rebbe’s unique hashkafa priorities. Theses classes (are of course not meant to be definitive. They do (however) provide some food for thought about some very important ideas and attitudes.

Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 5

Class Five. 1) (Machanei Yisroael and then ) 2) Merkaz LiInyanei Chinuch, 3) Kehas, Ho’tza’as Otzar HaChasidim, 4) establishing Yeshivos all over the Eastern Sea Board, 5) NiCho’aCh.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 23

Class Twenty Three. 5561. The death of Czar Paul, Leaving Petersburgh, Liadi,the expansion of Chassidus.