Class Eighteen in Section Three of Pintele Yid
Hayom Yom 17 Iyar, “Eretz Chefetz” the value of each Jew is inherent and immeasurable. The BeShT saw and insisted on the place of the simplest of Jews in Chassidus.
11. Pada BiShalom 5722 (Muga)
A very involved Padah Bishalom Ma’amar. Shalom is Yechida that gives koach to a lower Yid to serve on the level of total hisbatlus, even if his Yechida is not revealed. The Yechida is the idea of “Ki BiRabim Hayu Imadi” [1) Yachid sherabim tzrichin lo, 2) The nitzutzei kidusha in Klipa also want an…
וה’ פקד את שרה תשמ”ג
Class one. Mazal is the source for Children, Health, and Parnassa. In the case of the Jewish people, this is the level of אין which is interpreted to be the deepest level possible. We reach and affect the מזל through an עבודה on the level of בכל מאדיך which is the יחידה. Class Two. This…
Sefer HaSichos – Inyana shel Toras Hachassidus (Overview)
Beis Rivkah seminary (5776/2015) In this class the entire Sicha was over-viewed in the following order: 1) Perek 4-5, What is Chassidus, Yechida, an indivisible point that is infinite and completely without definition or form. 2) Perek 1-2, 4 ideas that are Chassidus and the question: any system with more than one priority, needs to…
Class 01 Introduction Tanya (text based)
Introduction Part one. The precious stone that lies at the center of the King’s crown. Godliness is within and must be brought out from within, not added from without. The two key points: 1) Achdus Hashem. 2) The centrality of the Yid, Ahavas Yisroel. Yechida. The BeShT gave it to his time and to all…
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