The Hadran Hagadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(29)
Class Twenty Nine. Review, the two ideas of Matzui Rishon and Aino Mutzui are relevant to Yedias Hashem and how they affect all the other Mitzvos in the Torah. Page 22.
Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (09)
Class Nine. Footnote 16 addresses the possibility that (since Hashem is ‘Nimna HaNimnaos,) He could in theory create a world that would not need to be recreated every second. But he did not do that. Therefore each philosophical idea must be supported by a Possuk otherwise we don’t know if it is really true or…
The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(03) – RaMbaM Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah (03)
Class Three. Halacha 6 introduces us to the first two Mitzvos 1) Yedias Hashem (and that) this includes all three ideas listed above: A. Understanding God (as a ‘mutzui rishon’) B. The Psukim, C. His presence (evidence) you can see in the world. 2) Not believing in any other force.
Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (06)
Class Six. More on footnote 14. The RaMbaM is speaking before the Tzimtzum and therefore cannot give the typical logical answer. The normal answer is understood by the issue of the ‘Nekuda HahaFlaa’ in RaMbaM: that there are two kinds of ‘k’dima’ (precedence) in time and in necessity. Accordingly understanding Yedia and B’chira is simple,…
The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(01) – RaMbaM Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah (01)
Class One. Chapter 1 Halacha 1 of RaMbaM inside. Yedias Hashem is a Mitzva. The word Metzius is introduced (but not explained here).
Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (02)
Class Two. Two concepts of knowledge, the pre-reason knowledge is higher than the knowledge that comes from logic for two reasons: 1) every cause must be greater than its effect, and since the knowledge connected to reason is motivated by the knowledge that precedes it, it must be greater than it. Page 251.
Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (01)
(This class is only on the ‘Yedias Hashem part of this Hadran). Class One. New Hadran, we’re learning only the part connected to the Mitzva of Yedias Hashem. Emuna and knowing are before the Mitzva, then comes the Mitzva which is to understand more deeply. Page 251
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