Samach Bais (19) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 19
Page 249- 251. The journey of the Neshama down which raises her higher than she was originally ירידה צורך עלי’ה is called “סתר”? Two explanations: A) When the journey begins the עלי’ה is only potential and “hidden” and has it’s work cut out for herself: 1. Elevate the Tohu within the body and animal soul,…
Samach Bais (21) – Haraini Es Maraich 5662 – Class 01
Page 251-5. Overview of what is to follow. We are dealing with יונתי a Neshama in Gan Eden, That descends into a body בחגוי הסלע and an animal soul מדריגא for the benefit of ירידה צורך עלי’ה which happens in a mysterious way בסתר. The manifestation of this עלי’ה is in תורה and מצוות הראיני…
Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov 5746.
Yerida Tzorech Aliya. The four categories that need to praise and submit to Hashem, how are they in spiritual and refined terms. A. Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 5746, Part One. (5772/2012). Based on the Frierdike Rebbe’s Maamar from 5685 (1925). The descent into Golus affects that the high become higher and the low lower. On…
Basi Legani 5731, (5771/ 2011).
Part One. Ikar Shechina BiTachtonim Haysa. Part Two. Yerida Tzorech Aliya (even from sin) reveals the maala of “helem”. Part Three. Iskafia brings down Ohr that is higher than the Tzimtzum, Ishapecha qualifies the world as a vessel to recieve it.
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