Beshalach 16:04 -The Manna (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
16-04. The Manna (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).A class on the Manna.We started with the basic ideas:1) No Birurim2) Quality not quantity (עשירית האיפא)3) All tastes, no substance4) The Torah was given (created) by the eaters of the Manna.We then learned some of the Gemara (Yoma 74b ff) regarding the Manna, we didn’t finish and it is…
Bo 13:02 – Kadesh Li Kol Bechor: the Mitzvos of the First born (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
13-02 Kadesh Li Kol Bechor, the Mitzvos of the first born (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).The first Mitzvos “after Mattan Torah: are Parshas Bo, they include 1) The laws of the Torah calendar 2) Mitzvos of Korban Pesach 3) Eating Matza 4) Against having Chometz on Pesach 5) Telling our children the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim at…
Vaera 07:01 – Moshe is “Elokim” to Pharoah and Aharon is his “Navi” (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
07-01. Moshe is “Elokim” to Pharoah and Aharon is his “Navi” (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).1) Moshe is first a כבד פה ועבד לשון later he is an ערל שפתים and finally he is הן אני ערל שפתים (his impediment is notorious) and still he’s the one to take us from Mitzrayim.2) Last week (Shmos) Hashem shows…
VaYechi 49:33 – Yaakov never passed away (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
49-33 Yaakov never passed away (Yeshiva 5721/ 2021).This class touches on various points in Vayechi, such as…1) Chazak2) The Brachos and Ruach HaKodesh3) The kindness of Yosef towards his brothers, being one of themBut most of the class is on the idea that יעקב אבינו לא מת.We explored it on various levels, including how the…
Shmos 03:02 – The Sneh (burning bush)
Parshas Shemos – Moshe Rabbeinu’s early life including detailed insights on the burning bush (sneh.)The Argument between the Ramban and the Rabbeinu Bechayey about Moshe’s early Nevuas.The issue of a Malach during Nevua, and the Malach at the burning bush, the Sneh. Length 37:40
End of Vayishlach – 43 Pesukim dedicated to Aisav, his family, and their future: Edom, Seiir, (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020)
End of Vayishlach: 43 Pesukim dedicated to Aisav, his family, and their future: Edom, Seiir, (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).The Torah tells Torah’s version of history that ends with Moshiach (and is not an endless cycle, though it so often appears so.) The history in the Chumash reflects this and it is in this spirit that so…
Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Eleven.
Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Eleven.Last class on the Derech Mitzvosecha (Gid Hanasheh Ma’amar).The upside of NeHI alone is עם קשי עורף Jewish stubbornness.The downside of NeHI alone is the vulnerability to Amalek’s onslaught.At the very end of the class we explored the פרי עץ חיים from the beginning HIs נצח is out הוד…
Tanya (4) Nefesh HaElokis
Tanya (4) Nefesh HaElokisThis class includes an introduction to Perek 2, 3, end of 2, 3, Igeres Hakodesh 15, beginning of Perek 4.The Nefesh HaElokis.1) The first big idea is the idea of חלק אלוק ממעל and ישראל עלו במחשבה and the relatedness of Souls, like the many cells that divide and diversify during pregnancy…
Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Nine – ten.
Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Nine.Derech Mitzvosecha (2).ChaBaD of Chessed: love and understandingChaGaS of Chessed: ותרנות tendency towards generosity.NeHI of Chessed: action of kindness’ perhaps without all the emotion.The Malach of Aisav sees the NeHI as vulnerable. Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Ten.Amalaik attacks NeHI by itself, the lack of “light” makes the…
03. Yehi Ratzon… before Korban Tamid (recited each morning, if Tachanun is said) (short version) (Yeshiva)
יהי רצון… תמיד Short Version, Yeshiva.This prayer (in contrast to the pre-Ketores prayer) is said only on days when Tachanun is recited, though an argument does exist to say it (minus some words) always. It is (like so many “late to the game” prayers) compiled from several old prayers (including אתה יודע רזי עולם which we…
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