
Derech Mitzvosecha Eved Ivri Perek 3.

Eved Ivri Perek 3, Class 1 (21). Beginning of Perek 3.Back to the Possuk, ואלה המשפטים אשר לפניהם means לפנימיותם, that Moshe must give us what we’re not getting by the virtue of (giving up direct communication with Hashem, and) not being Prophets. He gives us Da’as because of who he is.A”T from Ein Sof,…

Derech Mitzvosecha Eved Ivri Perek 2.

Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 1 (8). Introduction to Perek 2, about ואלה המשפטים אשר תשים לפניהם as a instruction to Moshe about raising us up to Atzilus, and this is qualified by what follows: כי תקנה עבד עברי… Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 2 (9). This class was a lot of reading inside.The topic…

Derech Mitzvosecha Eved Ivri Perek 1

PDF for the Ma’amar (Derech Mitzvosecha) Eved Ivri (and Ama HaIvriah). Eved Ivri Perek 1, Class 1.This First class is an introduction.This is a case where the Chassidus helps explain the P’shat better than the P’shat does. Why does Mishpatim begin with the laws of Jewish slaves and maidservants?Answer: It is about Moshe being told…

Mitzvas Minui Melech, Perek 3

Minui Melech Perek 3, Class Eighteen:This is the introduction to the issue of Melech HaMoshaich.The question is why need a King after Moshaich comes if all Yidden are on a high enough level not to need discipline. The answer will be that Moshiach will be (needed as) a Rav (teacher).In Hil Moshiach it is clear…

Mitzvas Minui Melech, Perek 2

Minui Melech, Class 7 Dovid is different than all other kings. His Romemus (=being a Neshama Klolis) is not only in the aspect of Melucha (Romemus) but in every faculty: his mind, heart etc. This makes Dovid altogether above other Kings. Class 8: This class was almost entirely lecture (very little text). The issue was…

04-05. Asher Yatzar and Elokai Neshama (5780/ 2019) Yeshiva

Asher Yatzar and Elokai Neshama These two Brachos are a pair: Guf and Neshama. A brief overview of these two Brachos and their interface.

Mitzvas Minui Melech, Perek 1

Mitzvas Minui Melech, Perek 1 Class One: Introduction. 1) The RaMbaM (Hilchos Melachim Perek 4, Halacha 10): The role of the King was to strengthen Yiddishkeit and protect the people. The question is only which came first safety (wars) or Yiddishkeit. 2) The power of the King was much greater than the Sanhedrin and the…

Mitzvas Lo Sisna and Ahavas Yisroel Perek 2

Perek 2, Class 9 The idea of loving and not hating, and not even thinking hateful thoughts. Tanya Iggeres HaKodesh 23 נא ונא וכו’ ואיש את רעת רעיהו אל תחשבו וכו’ כמחשבת עבודה זרה ממש Rambam does say it positive (הלכות דיעות פרק ו’ הלכה ד) but Hillel and Chassidus see a point in the…

Mitzvas Lo Sisna and Ahavas Yisroel Perek 1

Perek 1, Class 1. This class introduces the Ma’amar and explores the Chinuch, the Gemara and the Arizal’s suggestion that everyone say each day (in the morning) הריני מקבל עלי מצות עשה של ואהבת לרעך כמוך We further explored the Kabbalah that says that all Souls are parts of the Neshama of Adam HaRishon and…

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 3-4

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 3-4 Perek 3, Class 15 The request סלח לנו אבינו כי חטאנו (forgive us, Father. because we sinned) is explored here. The idea of justifying the forgiveness with the sin is that the sin causes His will to depart and we are asking for a higher will. The Teshuva (Ila’a) needs…