
Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 2

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 2 Perek 2, Class Eight: To correct the sin, in terms of making up for loss and stopping the flow to Klipa, requires Teshuva which comes from Kesser. Mitzvos are Atzilus. Teshuva is from higher than Atzilus, ANOCHI. Perek 2, Class Nine: Understanding the soul: Giluyim, Kochos, Levushim. The infinite Neshama…

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 1

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 1 Class One: 1) Introduction to the Sefer Derech Mitzvosecha 2) Four parts to Vidui and Teshuva: 1) Teshuva (future), 2) Charata (past), 3) Vidui, 4) Bakashas Mechila (the last two are verbal). Class Two:Each Avaira happens on three levels: 1) the second of transgression מרידה במלך מלכי המלכים defying Him…

Achdus 142 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 10 Class 3. After the התבוננות there is a very strong want ואהבת which can only be satisfied בדרך שוב through action, as we’ve seen in the past when people seek “personal paths” to G-d they end up with a want that they have no way of satisfying and fulfilling. One needs daily…

Achdus 141 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 10 Class 2. To us there is concealment while to Him there is real Achdus, Levels: 1) Tzadik 3 days before his passing 2) Reb Nochum Tchernubiler doesn’t see Treife milk 3) the rest of us We meditate and collect ourselves in Shma to feel in Viahavta (which we’ll discuss next time). This…

Achdus 140 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 4, Perek 10 Class 1. In this class we… A) completed the discussion on כח התנועה and how it is a משל for צמצום שלא כפשוטו. B) There is (not only) Achdus with all the worlds (equally) even Asiya, Moreover, there is an aspect of Achdus, which is more in Asiya…

Achdus 139 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 4. This class continues the talk about שלימות and the two types of שלימות: lacking nothing (יכולת) and having everything (כח). We the talked of the three levels in כח itself: 1) כחות היוליים העצמיים (which are all about the שלימות הנפש) and then 2) כחות נעלמים or כחות היוליים that…

Achdus 138 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 3. This (3rd class for Perek 9) began with a discussion on the notion of שלימות הנפש. We spoke of two levels: נפש נושא כחות or יכולת and נפש כולל כחות or כח. We explained these two levels as 1) the Neshama not lacking anything and 2) the Neshama having everything….

Achdus 137 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 2. 1) Review of yesterday’s class: Achdus (or Bittul) on the higher level, based on the idea of צמצום אינו כפשוטו and the מקום החלל is still filled with אין סוף. As such the creation and the זיו or ממלא כל עלמין (or perhaps the אותיות דבר הוי’ה that create are…

Achdus 136 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 1. Higher level of Achdus is due to the fact that the צמצום from the מקום החלל (which also is a חידוש compared to עצמות שאינו בגדר מקום) is שלא כפשוטו. The אור אין סוף continues to be ממלא מקום החלל after the צמצום just like before, and the change is…

Achdus 135 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perk 8 Class 3. End of Perek 8. More on Achdus based on the idea of התהוות בכל רגע (constancy of creation) in the case of יש מאין. Meshalim for יש מיש and for יש מאין.