Achdus 124
Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 2. When we speak of creation יש מיש (and we argue that it has credibility in Torah, see upcoming classes beginning with class 126) 1) the world need not be renewed every instant (as when we speak of creation יש מאין) 2) In the presence of the source the world…
Achdus 123
Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 6 Class 7, Perek 7 Class 1. Two Midrashim that argue creation יש מיש as a part of Torah, which is less (and lower) than יש מאין. The רמב”ם in his מורה נבוכים חלק ב’ פרק כ”ו has issues with this, but the Rebbe explains it here and says (in effect) that…
Achdus 122
Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 6 Class 7. Famous question (that is rooted in the famous מאמר מי כמוכה מכ”ק אדמו”ר מהר”ש משנת תרכ”ט) about אחדות versus בחירה חפשית שכר ועונש etc. You cannot have it both ways: Either there is total Achdus Or there is real בחירה חפשית and שכר ועונש. The answer the Rebbe RaShaB…
Achdus 121
Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 6 Class 6. Higher and lower levels of Achdus and Avodah honesty. Yichuda Illa’a (the world is Hashem) and Yichuda Tata’a (the world exists, but Hashem is it’s Master). The אנשי יריחו for whom it was correct to miss ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד as they were actually on the level…
Achdus 120
Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 6 Class 5. Three meanings of ואהבת 1) You should love 2) You WILL love 3) Make others love. Different levels in Love and if the higher level is too high for someone then they should (they must) try the lower level. The worst is lying to oneself.
Achdus 119
Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 6 Class 4. The Mitzvah of loving Hashem seems unreasonable, and the solution to this question is the idea of התבוננות. In this class we talked of the priority in חסידות חב”ד called התבוננות. How it affects the heart to fulfill this Mitzvah etc.
Achdus 112
Perek 5 Part 2. Malchus is Mimalei The idea of “עיר אלוקינו” words which come from letters account for the (virtual) infinity of different creation, and this is why Malchus marks the beginning of worldliness, Mimalei.
Achdus 118
Ma’amar Haunam Perek 6, Class 3. The second (our) opinion: that Makom means Mimalei Kol Almin, It is also called Makor (source). The immediate (or individuated) space of each creation separately.
Achdus 117
Maamar Haumnam (class 2) The opinion that makom is Sovev is the topic of today’s class. 1) Emek HaMelech, 2) Pardes, 3) Reb Menachem MiRikanti 4) Rambam. They all call Sovev, “Makor”.
Achdus 114
Perek 5, Part 4. The Rebbe Rashab now suggests that even the Middos of Atzilus are Mimalei Kol Almin and offers two different explanations: 1) we are speaking of the Keilim (or: Garmohi) of Middos which are not Ein SOf but Gevul 2) We are speaking in the opinion of the Arizal who says that…
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