075 Samech Vov (First Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 03
This class is also called 102 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 03 and is found also in the Complete Version series. The discussion of “Ain koach choser poel” continues. The class then moves on to the subject of the bittul (self-nullification) of malachim (angels) to their Source. Malchus (Kingship) is also…
Achdus 096
Perek 3 (class 2) Questions at the end of the Perek: 1) No one questions that inasmuch as Hashem can do the impossible if He wants to, He can rest in the space of a house. Is there anything for us to understand about this, and if yes then what? 2) How is the Beis…
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