
Achdus 085

Class Eighty Five. This first class of the מאמר ר’ ברכי’ פתח תרמ”ג included the questions in פרק א and the (beginning of the) answers in פרק י”ח. This is the רבי רש”ב’s דירה בתחתונים. הניח מה שלמעלה בשביל מה שלמטה The question is why? The answer is דירה בתחתונים where opposites come together (in…

Achdus 084

Class Eighty Four. 1) One does שמע ישראל… thinking about Hashem. 2) This causes a ואהבת… a desire to have Him. 3) This desire is realized (in truth) through והיו הדברים וגו’ וקשרתם וגו’ וכתבתם על מזוזות וגו’ ובשעריך, through Torah and Mitzvos. 4) This, however, will not be felt until לעתיד לבוא. What we…

Achdus 083

Class Eighty Three. This is the 2nd to the last class on this ma’amar. 1) The first step is שמע וגו, contemplating G-dliness. 2) The second step is ואהבת, wanting G-dliness. 3) The third step is HAVING Him. This is through והיו הדברים האלה וגו’ על לבבך etc.- Yiddishkeit is the answer. The story of…

Achdus 082

Class Eighty Two. The recognition of Hashem creates a desire for Bittul (revelation of Him and Oneness with Him) on two levels. 1) The animal Soul can be affected by education and inspiration– גילויים even now 2) The body cannot experience Bittul unless it is Atzmus (the G-dliness within the body itself) which won’t be experienced…

Achdus 081

Class Eighty One. The Hisbonenus creates a desire for HIM and not anything less The Possuk מי לי בשמים ועמך לא חפצתי בארץ

Achdus 080

Class Eighty. Beginning of Perek 3. When one considers (contemplates) Hashem he wants Him to be revealed and known. This (short) class is a review of the Hisbonenus.

Class seventy nine

This class is page 41 in תרמ”ג. The second level of לא שניתי when הוי’ה refers to אור אין סוף is that the creation is truly (still) “within” the אין סוף as the צמצום is שלא כפשוטו. Incidentally, we explore two aspects of ממלא כל עלמין: A. that it gives life B. that there is…

Class seventy eight

This class is the end of the first לא שניתי of the second Perek: the world itself doesn’t change Elokus, because the world is really the words that renew the world perpetually. Example: Moshe’s Nevua (מורה נבוכים בהקדמה); is like so many lightning flashes in succession, that it feels like daylight but it isn’t really.

Class seventy seven

In this class, we talk about the idea that יש מאין must be בכל רגע ורגע constant. The example for this is the idea of זריקה. When throwing something upwards, the force raising it must be constant, as it is being thrown against its nature. על אחת כמה וכמה in creation ex-nihilo it must certainly…

Class seventy six

In this class the answer to the question of the previous class is given: The Ruchniyus (spirituality) of the worlds exist in the Koach (Ayin) but not the Gashmi (material). The second part of the class raised the idea of אין כח חסר פועל למעלה which means that אלקות cannot have any חסרונות (lacks) and…