Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Six.
Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Six.Torah Ohr (the “Bris” Ma’amar) Bietzem Hayom Hazeh,Avrohom waited to be told to do circumcision because he wanted a “Mila HaElyona” (the higher Bris) above Havaya that must be mandated from heaven.
Ribono Shel Olom (Yeshiva Version 5781/ 2020)
Ribono Shel Olom (Yeshiva Version 5781/ 2020) Class One.Overview of this paragraph, its source and its placement here. Ribono Shel Olom (Yeshiva Version 5781/ 2020) Class One. Ribono Shel Olom (Yeshiva Version 5781/ 2020) Class Two.Inside first half:1) Kevesh: Avrohom squeezed himself, we are asking Hashem to squeeze Himself and love us in return.2) Remembering…
Tanya (2) Tanya’s Questions and Answers (Chapter 1, 13, 14 (27))
Tanya (2).Tanya’s Questions and Answers (Chapter 1, 13, 14 (27)).The Alter Rebbe begins by asking many questions (from Gemarah mostly) and eventually he answers them.There are also some answers to questions that are unspoken.How to make sense of this Beinoni.
Noach (5781/ 2020) (Yeshiva) – Three points
Noach (5781/ 2020) Yeshiva, three points.A series of short points on Parshas Noach on lesser known aspects of the parsha. A key theme is analysis of the interconnected nature of life in Hashem’s Creation and the tension between life under a body of man-made law versus internal natural morality.1) The fate of life was determined…
Breishis – Insights into the first marriage – what can we learn from Adam and Chava? (Yeshiva 5781/2020)
Parshas Bereishis, (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Insights into the first marriage – what can we learn from Adam and Chava?1) Created last and thought of first.2) First AND last, we can be close to G-d or lower than the lowest animal3) Our body is the lowest and our Soul the highest, so we can bridge the…
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Nine.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Nine.Explaining that the reason for the need for בנין המלכות (specifically) is due to seven differences between Malchus and the other Sfiros:1) The difference in the source (RaDlA or Arich)2) It’s Mihus (One point vs nine Sfiros (in hiding))3) The אופן or מציאות of it’s Mihus4) The method of…
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 18
Class Eighteen. The GR”A passes away, setting the stage for the arrest. Hirsh Ben Baruch, wrote Shavuos time 5558. The ‘Vulfer’.
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 17
Class Seventeen. Introduction to the Alter Rebbe’s arrest. The Vilner Gaon’s passing, Sukkos 5658. Hirsh Ben Baruch; the first arrest looked worse but the second one was in fact worse.
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 16
Class Sixteen. The Tanya. This class (begins) explores the history of the Tanya, and its four stages: 1) Yechidus, 2) Ma’amarim, 3) Manuscript, ‘kuntreisim, 4) The printed Tanya. This class has some detail on Yechidus.
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 26
Class Twenty Six. Disputes with friends cont. 3) The Apter Rebbe, 4) Reb Mordechai of Tchernubil.
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