
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 10

Class Ten, Chabad (1) This class introduces our discussion of what ChaBaD Chassidus is. It is the idea of Chassidus in a Pnimyus (internalized way).

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 09

Class Nine. The Alter Rebbe returns from his effort at going to Eretz Yisroel, resettles in Liozna. The Chadurim and the Takanos Liozna.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 08

Class Eight. The Alter Rebbe and Reb Mendel Horodoker, the trip to Eretz Yisroel and the return.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 07

Class Seven. 1) The Maggid passes away. 2) He promises the Alter Rebbe a son and teaches him the Kabbalah to all the minhagim around a birth and Bris, 3) He tells him that his life will be hard, but he and the Baal Shem Tov will help from heaven, 4) Stories, 5) Reb Avrohom…

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 06

Class Six. The Alter Rebbe and the Vilner Gaon, the two attempts at meeting him and more. Once as a Nistar during the Maggid’s life and then again with prearrangement afterwards (along with Reb Mendel Horodoker/ Vitebsker). In the Alter Rebbe’s lexicon, the GRA was the ‘Chossid’. Chasidei Talak.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 05

Class Five. 1) The Alter Rebbe’s return from Mezritch was not marked favorably by his wife’s family, 2) He is forced to move back to Liozno, 3) The visit of 5528 (to Mezritch) and writing of the Shulchan Aruch.

11 Birchas Hashachar (07-09) (Short) Roka Ha Aretz Al HaMayim (07), HaMaichin Mitzadai Guver (08), Sheusu Li Kol Tzurchi (09)

Short Class On all three Brachos (Yeshiva 5780). These three Brachos deal with the ability to walk the earth, which allows us, human kind to be “outside our source” and exercise free will in doing our purpose. The land rose up over the sea, and He gave us (and continues giving us) the steps with which…

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 04

Class Four. In Mezritch: Tefilla and Torah also, his decision to stay, he learns who and what his Neshama is.

The Baal Shem Tov. His life and legacy. (5772/2011) Lecture 01

This is a new series that will IY”H review all of the details known about the Rabbeiim. Given at Chovevei Torah. Lecture One. Neshama of the Baal Shem Tov, Eliyahu Hanavi tests his father, birth and early years. His father’s will and death. The lonely years, He meets and joins up with the hidden Tzadikim.

The Baal Shem Tov. His life and legacy. (5772/2011) Lecture 02

This is a new series that will IY”H review all of the details known about the Rabbeiim. Given at Chovevei Torah. Lecture Two. The Great plan to reverse the ills affected by Chmelenicii’s pogroms: 1) Help with Parnassa (livelihood), 2) Help with Melamdim (tutors), 3) Raise the people’s spirits.