The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 27
Class Twenty Seven. The war of Napoleon (1). The dispute among Tzadikim who should win. The hatred the Alter Rebbe had for Napoleon. Pesach 5572 Reb Mendel Riminover, Reb Naftoli of Ropshits and the Matzos. Leaving Liadi, Rosh Hashana and the Shofar, the Russians escaping, Pienne his Histalkus More next time.
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 28
Class Twenty Eight. The war of Napoleon and the Alter Rebbe’s Histalkus (1). The Mitteler Rebbe’s reaction. The Rebbetzin Fraida’s reaction. Two Baalei Tshuva fifteen years after he passed away. The three Tzadikim tried again in 5575 and what happened.
Tanya (1) The Tanya is based on the Possuk Ki Karov Ailecha HaDavar Miod BiFicha Uvilvuvecha La’Asoso
Tanya (1) Ki Karov. – Ki Karov Beinoni – It is Close To You… (Directed to a Beinoni)This series is based on 1) title page, 2) beg Ch 16, 3) beg Ch 17, [4) beg Ch 8,] 5) End Ch 19, 6) beg Ch 25, 7) Chapter 35There are two types of Beinoni using different…
Teshuva Classes 4-6
TESHUVA CLASS FOUR – Ma’amar from The Alter Rebbe in Likutei Torah on Balak – is a classic ma’amar of teshuva. The second Teshuva is ila’a. It’s called עשה טוב to create (Yesod) a connection to the Ein Sof. This Teshuva heals the past.Class Length (31:19) TESHUVA CLASS FIVE Text: Likutei Torah Ma Tovu Chapter…
Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), Yeshiva Version, Class One.
Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), Yeshiva Version, Class One.This class gives deep and accessible insights into the enigmatic story of The Akeidah. A great resource for gleaning personal applications from the final and most challenging test of Avraham Avinu (Our father Abraham).We introduced it briefly, and read most of the Akeida inside and translated it and…
TESHUVA CLASS THREETexts: Likutei Torah on “Ma-Toyvu” (the classic ma’amar on teshuva – often quoted by The Rebbe).This class goes over the concepts of teshuva, particularly “teshuva tata’a” and connects it to אלוקינו (our Personal G-d) as opposed to אלוקים the G-dliness of concealment.Making אלוקים back into אלוקינו is Teshuva Tata’a.Class Length (35:16)
Teshuva in Tanya (do more)
Teshuva is done by doing more good (Ig Hateshuva Ch 9), a little more (Ch 15) a lot more (Ch 30).
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 16- 17, Class 74.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 16- 17, Class 74.This class is on the end of Perek 16 and all of Perek 17. The mechanism of prayer (davening) to change the physical world is reviewed in this class with a couple new concepts added (cross reference to earlier classes on Perek 11). The details of the…
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 16- 17.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 16- 17, Class 71.This class (opens Chapter 16 by) summarizes and reviews the ideas discussed in the maamar up to this point. In sum, we have a reasonable relationship with Hashem and we also have a relationship with Hashem which is above reason. The first paragraph of “Kriyas Shema” (שמע…
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 14- 15.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 14- 15, Class 61.Notes:0:00-13:41 : Story of Alter Rebbe, Mottel Schusterman (Rabbi Paltiel’s wife’s grandfather) came to the US and was a shamash. All the European new immigrants (greeners) worked as shamashim for a tiny wage – like indentured servants – and they set a rule that they could not…
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