The ‘Luchos’ (the Tablets) (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5781/2021) (03)
Topic Luchos Part Three; (Class For Parshas Teruma 5781).Two Final Points: If the first Luchos arent broken…1) There would not be forgetfulness [in Torah]2) There would be no need for Torah ShaBaal Peh, which (like all things) is both good and bad.Special focus on Luchos and the relationship to awareness of mind and the effect on…
The ‘Luchos’ (the Tablets) (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5781/2021) (02)
Topic Luchos Part Two: (Class for Parshas Mishpatim 5781)What it means to be created “בין השמשות” a time which has no true time at all.Carved חרות can be read to mean Free חירות from exile and death; two explanations for Galus and two explanations for death (literal and figurative).Length: 27:50
Vaera 06:06~07 – The Four Expressions of Geulah (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2021)
06-06, 07 the four expressions of Geulah (Yeshiva Achei temimim 5782/ 2021)The four terms Hashem used to describe the stages of the Jewish people’s exodus.The question is why draw it out, why four stages and what do they mean?The class includes a Ramban, Seforna, a commentary on Midrash (בלק”ט), a Zohar and a Ma’amar (which…
Vayechi 48:08~09 – Who a re these boys? (Achei Temimim 5722/ 2021)
48-08, 09 Who are these boys? (Achei Temimim 5722/ 2021)Yaakov doesn’t recognize Menashe and Ephrayim suddenly- why? and Yosef changes his mind, how?Giving a Bracha requires Ruach HaKodesh which departs from Yaakov and Yosef argues to bring it back.Various ideas from Mifarshim and Chazal, culminating with Rashi (and the Zohar) that he sees Reshaim coming…
Miketz 44:17 – “Go up to your father’s house in peace” – a Hint to the Ten Martyrs (Rabbeinu Bechayey)
44-17 Miketz: Go up to your father’s house in peace, a hint to the ten Martyrs.The Rabbeinu Bechayey interprets the ten mentions of the word אנשים (men) rather than בני יעקב or אחי יוסף as an allusion to something ‘other’, and he says that it is referring to the ten Martyrs.This class explores the idea…
Ma’amar Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses (נתת ליראיך נס להתנוסס) 5711 – Perek Two – 1
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711 (06) Perek Two (1).There must be some kind of G-dliness even in the dark (of Nisyonos) but the spark itself has gone dark.
Ma’amar Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses (נתת ליראיך נס להתנוסס) 5711 – Perek One – 1
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711, Class One, Perek One (1).IntroductionMesiras Nefesh in Russia and the idea of tests.
Vayera 18:13~15 – Sara’s laugh and Hashem’s challenge – Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5781/ 2020)
Vayera 18:13-15Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5781/ 2020).Sara’s laugh and Hashem’s challenge, Avrohom also laughed, but they are different.And Sara denies doubting, and the Torah records this, why?
Shmos 03:01 – Making a Leader: Hashem’s Patience (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020)
Parshas Shmos 03-01. Making a leader, Hashem’s patience (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020).Moshe is meant to be leader, but he doesn’t want to be. Hashem shows unbelievable patience with him, as he tries to get out of the job time and again.Five times he resists, but his role is predetermined, only Moshe can take the…
Lecha Lecha – Avrohom: The successful Iyov (Job) – the story of the first Jew (5780/ 2019) Yeshiva Achei
Avrohom – the first Jew, there will never be another. Job is a book in Kesuvim, but it is the oldest book of the TaNaCh, written by Moshe Rabbeinu himself. It is an idea; the search for a perfect man (and woman). The Satan assures G-d Almighty Himself that there will never be another Avrohom….
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