
כימי צאתך תשמ”ג A י”א ניסן מאמר

Class One. Introduction: to explain the timelessness of Yetzias Mitzrayim. Why we keep referring to Yetzias Mitzrayim throughout all of Galuyos, This is understood by focusing on the Ruchniyus of Yiddishkeit as a priority over the Gashmiyus. The spiritual process of mind to heart provides for a daily need for going out of constraints. Class…

בכל דור ודור ה’תשמ”א.

Class One. יציאת מצרים actually and as it relates to the ירידת הנשמה למטה happens in stages: It goes from one step to another (downwards) going into the Galus and from one step to another going out of the Galus. Each Geula is a Galus compared to a later Geula, and it continues forever. Class…

A Hemshech (2 Maamarim, 3 classes). Kimai Tzaischa Ma’Eretz Mitzrayim 5745.

(A 11 Nissan Ma’amar). Class One. The first half of this Ma’amar explains the idea that we continue to leave Mitzrayim in space and in time (as we journey through our history and move from place to place) until Moshiach comes. He explores the highest source of Mitzrayim in the highest levels of Lifnai HaTzimtzum,…

כימי צאתך תשמ”א

A י”א ניסן מאמר Class One. Introduction: to explain the timelessness of Yetzias Mitzrayim. Why we keep referring to Yetzias Mitzrayim throughout all of Galuyos, This is understood by focusing on the Ruchniyus of Yiddishkeit as a priority over the Gashmiyus. The spiritual process of mind to heart provides for a daily need for going…