20. Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738 (Muga)
Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738.PDF of the Ma’amar. Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738, Class One.This is the inverse to the Ma’amar of the 10 Shvat Basi Ligani, as it is about Torah and Har Sinai rather than about Dira BiTachtonim (building the Beis HaMikdash).The idea of Mattan Torah and Torah gives the Koach for all…
Basi lgani 5739
This is a Ma’amar Basi Ligani from 15 Shvat 5739 (it is the third in the “Hemshech” Basi Ligani from 5739.) All three Ma’amarim explain the 9th chapter of Basi Ligani 5710. (Class One) This class explains the two ideas attached to the Possuk ועשית קרשים למשכן עצי שטים עומדים explaining עומדים in two ways:…
Vichol HaAm Roim 5744 (a יתרו Ma’amar)
(This is a Yisro Ma’amar) Why was Mattan Torah with so much fan fair and noise? The idea is that Mattan Torah reveals ‘Atzmus’ that breaks ‘The decree that separates the higher from the lower’. The ‘noise’ affects Bittul which is (in a way) the Keli to receive ‘Atzmus’ The Class discusses the change that…
V’chul Haam Roim Es Hakolos 5746.
This is a post Shavuos Maamar. The sounds, flairs and sounds of the Shofar are Chesed, Gevura Tiferes. As Hashem gives them they are from the top down and we apply them from the bottom up. How the Shofar “that is narrow at one end and wide at the other end” can apply “from the…
Vayishma Yisro 5745.
Yisro’s presence was necessary for the giving of the Torah. He represents the darkness that needs elevating, transforming and revealing the Godliness in to it and from within it. The event of Maatan Torah was all about a higher level, revealing the Godliness from, and in and through darkness. This maamar also follows the earlier…
Vichol HaAm Roim 5744.
Why was Mattan Torah with so much fan fair and noise? The idea is that Mattan Torah reveals ‘Atzmus’ that breaks ‘The decree that separates the higher from the lower’. The ‘noise’ affects Bittul which is (in a way) the Keli to receive ‘Atzmus’ The Class discusses the change that is affected by the fact…
מזבח אדמה ה’תשמ”א.
There are two מזבחות: 1) מזבח אדמה which is a reference to involvement in direct holiness, תורה ומצוות which is why it is a certainty. 2) מזבח אבנים which is a reference to the involvement in Klipa, and it is therefore written as a condition “If” one (needs) to involve himself in correcting this involvement,…
Yisro 20:21 – Mizbach Adama
The Mizbeach (Altar) had to be built directly on the ground. It could be made of either stone or sand. What does it all mean?
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