Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 118 – Wells by Avrohom and Yitzchok
Vayera Likutei Sichos vol. 15 page 118 ff.Wells by Avraham and Yitzchok the Zohar on the difference between the two.
Toldos 26:02 – Yitzchak’s piety and removal from the world – Yeshiva (5781/ 2020).
Toldos 26:02 Yitzchak’s piety and removal from the world – Yeshiva (5781/ 2020).Yitzchak’s story is squeezed into Parshas Toldos between the stories of Avraham and Yaakov. Yitzchak’s role was different than his father’s or his son’s – Firstly he had the most difficult of tasks, to secure the teachings of Avrohom Avinu beyond his…
Patriarchs (15) – Yitzchok is more like Avrohom than Avrohom – Likutei Sichos Vol. 30 page 103 ff.
Toldos Patriarchs (15) Likutei Sichos vol. 30 page 103 ff. Yitzchok is even more like Avrohom, chesed, than is Avrohom himself because of the Bittul of Yitzchok.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 122 ff – Three Wells of Yitzchok
Toldos Patriarchs (14) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 122 ff Yitzchok’s idea is digging wells. What water the wells give him is Hashem’s business. As a result his wells last. The three wells, built with different levels of dedication and sacrifice, last for different lengths of time. The third which is through Bittul and…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 103 ff – Bittul of Yitzchok
Toldos Patriarchs (15) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 103 ff Yitzchok is even more like Avrohom, chesed, than is Avrohom himself because of the Bittul of Yitzchok.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 191 ff – Avrohom and Yishmael vs Yitzchok and Esav
Toldos Patriarchs (16) Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 191 ff Avrohom looked so much closer to Yishmael. In fact Yishmael did Teshuva during his father’s lifetime, while Aisav seemed so evil. Under the surface however, Yitzchok’s connection to Aisav is limitless (he was a Jew, only a sinner) while Yishmael’s relationship to Avrohom was…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 122 ff / Torah Ohr Toldos (beg.) –
Vayera Toldos Patriarchs (13) Likutei Sichos – vol 15 p 122 ff / Torah Ohr – Beginning of Toldos This class combines a Sicha about Avrohom and the Torah Ohr (beginning of Parshas Toldos) that helps enlighten what separated Avrohom from Yitzchok. Avrohom shone light and inspired from above, doing what appears in affect to…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 018 ff – Yishmael’s vs Yitzchok’s Bris
Lech Lecha Patriarchs (06) Likutei Sichos Vol 01 p 18 Yishmael’s Bris was rational and that is a liability compared with Yitzchok’s super-rational bond. It is the basis of the Jewish people and that they are a miraculous people attached to Hashem higher than reason, from infancy.
Sicha – 3 Avos = Balance (07)
Likutei sichos – Vol 30 p 103 ff Yitzchok’s successes reflect the KIRUV that came from his Bittul. Introduction to mystical idea: the Avos were a Merkava and their nature wasn’t natural but a Merkava as well. Page 107-8.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 103 ff – Yitzchok is more like Avrohom than Avrohom
Toldos Patriarchs (15) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 103 ff Yitzchok is even more like Avrohom, chesed, than is Avrohom himself because of the Bittul of Yitzchok.
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