Minuya Ugemura… Ashrei Mi Shelo Nivra. (5772).
A short thought on a strange (context-less) statement made in the Avoda service (Musaf) of Yom Kippur. “It’s preferred that we not have been created”. A commentary.
VIDUI. Short and to the point. This thought on text of the viduy (confession) provides a useful meditation for the Yom Kippur davening (prayer).
Yom Kippur inspiration,(5775/2014).
Beis Rivkah high School. ‘The Day after, thought. Beis Midrash Linashim.
Yom Kippur inspiration. (5772).
Given at Chabad of Flatbush. This class has two parts. 1) Inspiration and 2) customs.
SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD, Class 12, Yom Kippur Class One.
SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD CLASS 12, Yom Kippur Class One. Yom Kippur as it fits into the overall avoda (work or service) of the Elul/Tishrei period in the Jewish year. The super mitzvah of teshuvah.
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