The Tribes (33) – Yosef is in and Above Galus – Likutei Sichos Vol. 25 Page 193 ff.
Vayeshev The Tribes (33) Likutei Sichos vol. 25 Page 193 ff. This is another version of the same class (above 29) that focuses exclusively on Yosef being in and above the galus, thus mastering and ruling Egypt from the moment he arrives there.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 193 ff – Galus viz a viz Yaakov the Shvatim and Yosef
Vayeshev The Tribes (29) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 193 ff (version one) Three personalities, three Galus perspectives: 1) Yaakov, he was not in the Galus at all. 2) The Shvatim, they are a part of the Galus and only survive it by being in (relative) isolation, as Shepherds. 3) Yosef, he is in…
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