
Significance of a Rebbe – Class 2

(2) Directions for life// The Rebbe teaches us how we can and must serve Hashem.

Significance of a Rebbe

The Neshama bond exists between all Yidden, but we aren’t all equal. (We are collectively like contributing parts of the body,) some are the mind, eyes, heart, etc. while others are the hair, skin, and nails. The Rebbe is the head. Through his Neshama, other Neshamos are connected to Hashem

Stories about The Rebbe – Class 2

14 Kislev story (5772/2011), before, during and after.

Stories about The Rebbe – Class 4

Farbrengen “The Rebbe’s Koach” (5774).

Stories about The Rebbe – Class 1

More stories (early years) (5767). This talk on the childhood years of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson) will be enjoyed by the whole family. The stories of the Rebbe’s childhood provide insight into his character and great accomplishments but also the period in which he grew up. There may be some repetition here.

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 01

Class One. 1) RaMbaM predicting return of (special kind of) Prophecy as preparation for the coming, The Rebbe connects this to the great onset and radiation of Kabalah and Mikubalim at the time the RaMbaM predicted (4,976/1276)/ 2) The Arizal- beginning of the third Ashmora of the night. BeShT morning of sixth millennium, All these…

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 02

Class Two. 3) The letter from Erev Rosh Hashana 5507, spreading Chassidus will bring Moshiach, according to Moshiach. 4) story of the war of 1812 the Alter Rebbe wanted Napoleon to lose so it would be better for Yidden spiritually. 5) The three Tzadikim in 5575 (1814-15) who tried to bring Moshiach and it didn’t…

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 03

Class Three. 6) The Alter Rebbe’s קץ [Ketz] of 5603 when he said 5608, the Likutei Torah was printed. The confusion about the details of this story. 7) מאמר אין הקב”ה בא בטרוניא עם בריותיו תרמ”ח, the story and the event, the simple people’s responses and the smart man’s cynicism and the Rebbe RaShaB’s declaration…

20. Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738 (Muga)

Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738.PDF of the Ma’amar. Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738, Class One.This is the inverse to the Ma’amar of the 10 Shvat Basi Ligani, as it is about Torah and Har Sinai rather than about Dira BiTachtonim (building the Beis HaMikdash).The idea of Mattan Torah and Torah gives the Koach for all…

Seventy Years Since Yud Shvat (5780/ 2020)

Seventy Years (5780/ 2020):1) a lifetime.2) נכנס יין יצא סוד. Both יין and סוד are both בגימטריא 70.The idea of a secret and revealing it; the joy of wine that comes with a meal that makes you Joyous and not drunk.3) This means that after 70 years the secret comes out (ןע”ד דברי הרבי בארבעים…