Basi Legani 5718 (2) באתי לגני ה’תשי”ח ב
Class One. This class is about the letter ה of Kedusha and the fact that it must be preceded by a ד of Kedusha. He discusses the Alter Rebbe’s discussion on ד and ג and after גימל come דלת who receives the Tzedaka אחור באחור. After the דלת comes the ה”י which is פנים בפנים….
Basi Legani 5718 (1) באתי לגני ה’תשי”ח א
Class One. Introduction to all the classes of באתי לגני for this year. The Ma’amar from 5683. The Ma’amar for Yahrtzait of mother and grandmother becomes מאמר הילולא as a result of the הסתלכות. So many lessons, beginning with making this world a home for Him על ידי אתכפיא ואתהפכא. 1) קרבנות 2) שטות 3)…
1. Maamar of Hishtatchus (5767).
A discussion by the Mitteler (second) Rebbe on what it means to go the grave site of a Tzaddik. He explains five levels of this experience. Thought on Hishtatchus (5776/2015). Five minutes.
The Year 5687 (5767).
The year 5687/1927 the Rebbe was arrested. This arrest could hardly be considered a total surprise. Here’s the story of this momentous year. An amazing shiur on the episode of the liberation of the Previous Rebbe. Moving stories brought to life by Rabbi Paltiel.
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