014 Samech Vov (First Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 02
There are two taanugs. One is for the completion of a project. נועץ תכילתן בסוף וסוף בתחלתן. And one is for the pleasure of the You the Thinker who thought of the idea in the first place and the pleasure of putting oneself into the project. The You gets pleasure also after it is done….
019 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 03
Sof Maase B’Machshava Techila To understand this we read the Rebbe’s Maamar meluket ה pp 211-212.There are two Taanugs. One Taanug is about the project, what you do – this goes on the expression נעוץ תחלתן בסוף וסופן בתחלתן. The Other Taanug is the pleasure the person, the doer, experiences after the completion of the…
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