53 Classes

Audio Classes of Tanya Summaries Regular Year

Audio Classes on the Tanya. Presented by Rabbi Yossi Paltiel. This summary of the Tany follows the schedule of a regular year. These classes were given in a Chabad house in Flatbush between 19 Kislev 5767/2006 through 19 Kislev 5768/2007.

52 Classes

Tanya Summaries leap year

Tanya Summaries leap year. These classes were given in a Chabad house in Flatbush between 19 Kislev 5768/2007 through 19 Kislev 5769/2008.

139 Classes

Tanya Lectures

Tanya Lectures The Tanya classes in this section given at the Chabad house in Flatbush were started after 19 Kislev 5769/2008 . This time around the pace was slowed down. Rather than finish the entire Tanya in one year the classes are more in depth and provide a longer form of the Tanya Summaries of the two earlier series.

13 Classes

Chitas Tanya, Regular year

Chitas Tanya, Regular year. These shiurim were given (for the most part) at Yeshivas chovevei Torah between 19 Kislev 5767 and 18 Kislev 5768.

14 Classes

Chitas Tanya, Leap year

Chitas Tanya, Leap year. These classes were given (for the most part) at Yeshivas Chovevei Torah between 19 Kislev 5768 (2007) and 18 Kislev 5769 (2008).

205 Classes

Tanya text based

In depth text based classes on Tanya delivered at Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos beginning in the winter 5777/ 2016.

1 Classes

Ma'amarim Tanya

Ma’amarim Tanya