Tanya Chapter 14 Class 3 (112) Class 3 on Perek 14 begins a discussion of “ahava misuteres” that will be stated in detail in Perek 18-19. The Alter Rebbe refers to “ahava misuteres” here without explanation. Rabbi Paltiel explains “ahava misuteres” and how it differs from other types of love and why it is an essential part of the connection between every Jew and Hashem. The question is raised, why in the Tanya, is the idea of “ahava misuteres” always connected to “b’shem kol Yisroel”? The Alter Rebbe’s use of the seemingly modern phrase “a Jew at heart” and its implication is also covered. Cross Reference to Tanya Chapter 41 Perek Mem Alef Class Length (57:11)