
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 1 (160).

Tanya Chapter 21, Class 1 (160).
This class is basically an oral introduction to this Perek and the higher level of Achdus discussed in this Perek.
We began with explaining creation through thought and creation through speech. They are called מאמר אחד (a single utterance) and עשרה מאמרות (ten utterances) and they are two steps in creation. First how the world is one with Him, then in speech it becomes separated.
There are (also) two levels of speech 1) Speech, 2) ‘the speech of Hashem is like an action’; we explained the need for both, since there is NO action by Hashem (since nothing exists without Him), and accordingly His speech has two levels 1) being separated from Him, 2) being proactively created by Him (התלבשות כח הפועל בנפעל).
We then applied these ideas to the language and idea of Tizmtzum. The source of the idea of Tzimtzum is the Arizal, and the big issue really is the notion of (a) space for Him to vacate (Tzimtzum).
He creates the space and then vacates Himself from that space to facilitate creation (here too there are two steps 1) vacating the space, 2) proactively reinvesting a Kav so that creation is positive action rather than a negative one).
The argument about whether the Tzimtzum is actual (צמצום כפשוטו) or not actual (צמצום שלא כפשוטו). The argument isn’t a creation of the Chassidim and the Misnagdim (it predates them) but they made it personal and volatile. Each held their opponent to be an heretic because of the implications of their respective views.
We hold that the Tzimtzum (and therefore the speech of creation) isn’t actual.
This leads us to a level of Achdus beyond what the Misnagdim held; and is the discussion of this Perek.

Tanya Chapter 21, Class 1 (160).

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