
Tanya Chapter 21, Class 2 (161).

Tanya Chapter 21, Class 2 (161).
1) This class begins with a Chazara of a Sicha the Rebbe spoke to the woman of N’shei Chabad at the spring convention in 5735, about Shabbos being first in thought (albeit last in action), and how this applies to the home and child rearing. Also, we give our children more than enough to survive, we give them the best the same applies in ruchniyus. To the young people he said: don’t worry trust God.
2) This class covers half of Chapter 21! We read inside the two ideas (basically):
A. How Hashem’s (thought and) speech are similar to ours
B. How Hashem’s (thought and) speech is dissimilar.
The similarity is how we experience it, the difference is the Truth: the speech continues to be one with Him as before He spoke, and as such, the Achdus is perfect and whole.
during the class we talked about the two ideas in the ‘Divine Speech’ the Ma’amaros (utterances) of creation, and the Dibros (commandments) of the Torah. How the latter is higher than the former, and reveals the Truth far more directly.

Tanya Chapter 21, Class 2 (161).

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