6 Classes

Section Two, Likutei Amarim, Shaar Hayichud VihaEmuna

Section Two, Likutei Amarim, Shaar Hayichud VihaEmuna This section has 6 classes (two of the classes were given at once and are divided here to make it more palatable.

4 Classes

Section Three, Iggeres HaTeshuva

Section three, Iggeres HaTeshuva. This section has 4 classes.

14 Classes

Section Four, Iggeres Hakodesh

Section four, Iggeres Hakodesh. This section has 14 classes.

2 Classes

Section Five, Kunteres Acharon

Section five, Kunteres Acharon. This section has 3 classes (the first of which was included in the Iggeres Hakodesh section).
