Chapter 7, Tanya
Tanya in-depth text-based learning, Perek 7. Class 1 of Perek 7 is included with Perek 6.
Chapter 10, Tanya
Tzadik both levels: ורע לו which is אינו גמור and וטוב לו which is צדיק גמור
Chapter 11, Tanya
The two levels of Rasha are discussed in this chapter and the link between רשע וטוב לו and רשע שאינו גמור and רשע ורע לול and רשע גמור.
Chapter 12, Tanya
The "Beinoni". The idea of Madraigas HaBeinoni (as opposed to Midas HaBeinoni) is discussed here
Chapter 13, Tanya
Now that we've defined the מדריגות הבינוני (as the combination of מלוכה וממשלה) let us explore the various Gemaros quoted on the first page of Tanya, beginning with the idea of זה וזה שופטן and more.
Chapter 14, Tanya
In addition to the מדריגת הבינוני which is like the שם התואר of בינוני there is also מדת הבינוני which is attainable for all of us.
Chapter 15, Tanya
Tzadik and Rasha (Beinoni) are not the same as Oved and Lo Oved (that are two levels in Beinoni) This Perek explores different levels of Beinoni, that use different types of motivation with varying measures of success.
Chapter 16, Tanya
The point of the emotion is action; so even if the emotion is incomplete, but if the action is (still) in lace it is right. Machshava Tova HaKadosh Baruch Hu Mitzarfa LiMa'aseh.
Chapter 17, Tanya
The end of the first "type" of Beinoni; using the mind to arouse the heart at least enough to master one's self.
Chapter 18, Tanya
We begin exploring the "short (long) way" to Beinoni here. The idea of Ahava Misuteres (Hidden Love).
Chapter 19, Tanya
The continuing discussion of Ahava Misuteres, the hidden innate love every Jew has for G-d in his Soul.
Chapter 20, Tanya
Achdus Hashem is introduced here; the world is insignificant next to Him, as it is like a mere few words and thoughts next to an infinity.
Chapter 21, Tanya
Achdus Hashem's discussion continues and deepens here; the Alter Rebbe explains the notion of (Tzimtzum Shelo Kipshuto, using the form of) Dibbur Shelo Kipshuto; words that are spoken and never said (never leaving their Source). The end of the Perek speaks of Tzimtzum to create worlds (in their perspective only) of Kedusha.
Chapter 22, Tanya
1) The creation (that exists from our perspective 'only') has Truth, as the Torah speaks in the language of man. 2) (But) this includes Klipa created by a series of concealing steps: A. Ribui Tzimtzumim, B. Achorayim, C. Makif, D. This brings to Misa etc.
Chapter 23, Tanya
Mitzvos are 'Achdus Hashem' as they are as limbs carrying the Soul inside with total subservience. Torah is 'Achdus Hashem' as it is the Light of the Ein Sof itself, including Sovev. This can in theory bring to Yirah Ila'a, which is higher than (Chochma=) Torah!!
Chapter 24, Tanya
Chapter 24, Tanya Just as Perek 23 had Mitzvos (Merkava) and Torah (Ohr); this Perek is the equal and opposite: Aveiros and Avoda Zara, and what's worse is the person who acts on it. He explains why the person acting on it is worse at great length.
Chapter 25, Tanya
This Perek is often called the Perek of Mesiras Nefesh. It concludes the 8 Perakim section of the Tanya dealing with אהבה מסותרת and how to use this as a tool for self-mastery (and control) until the point of Beinoni. If I have it within me to be Mekadesh Shem Shamayim BaRabim I have it within me not to do this (or that) etc.
Chapter 26, Tanya
This Perek begins the section of the Tanya that can be called 'troubleshooting' answering questions about carrying out the instructions given in the first 25 Perakim of the Tanya. It includes a discussion on SImcha and Joy after sadness, as well explaining how to deal with sadness from physical suffering and spiritual failure.
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