
Perek 4, Class 01 (51). Tanya (text based)

Livushim (1). All Mitzvos connected to all Livushim. Each Mitzvah is connected to one part of the person.

Perek 4, Class 03 (53). Tanya (text based)

Livushim (3). Long introduction. This class reviews the first part of this Perek about the Livushim. The internal organs are not included in the 248 limbs, they are “general limbs” and represent “Super Mitzvos”.

Perek 4, Class 04 (54). Tanya (text based)

Introduction about 13-15 Elul and Tomchei Tmimim. תמים. Torah and Mitzvos (1). Question: why does a Yid need Yiddishkeit, isn’t he G-dliness himself. Two answers: Perek 4, Perek 35. In this Perek the answer is we need Yiddishkeit to reveal what the Neshama is. There are three knots tied to one another: G-d and the...

Perek 4, Class 05 (55). Tanya (text based)

Torah and Mitzvos (2). Inside. In Mitzvos there is Atzmus. The action (lowest thing) IS the most important. Hashem’s greatness is His humility.

Perek 4, Class 06 (56). Tanya (text based)

Perek 4 Class 6 (56) Torah and Mitzvos (3). Missing (unfortunately).

Perek 4, Class 07 (57). Tanya (text based)

Torah and Mitzvos (4). Torah and Mitzvos “hold” Atzmus although לית מחשבה תפיסא בי’ה but Torah and Mitzvos do. Like the idea of לא מצא הקב”ה כלי מחזיק ברכה לישראל אלא השלום. The allusion to water and Torah: 1) It is exactly the same down here as it is up there. 2) When it leaves...

Perek 4, Class 08, (58). Tanya (text based)

Torah and Mitzvos (5). Until the end of the Perek. G-dliness in a package we can “hold”.

Perek 4, Class 09, (59). Tanya (text based)

Torah and Mitzvos (6). Mitzvos are Ein Sof, and when we do them we are wrapped in EIn Sof. One Mitzvah, all Mitzvos etc.

Perek 4, Class 10, (60). Tanya (text based)

Torah and Mitzvos (7). In Gan Eden there is the pleasure from the understanding of G-dliness and the pleasure it arouses. The difference between what the Neshama does in Gan Eden before it was here (It has השגה understanding but not the Elokus -pleasure- itself) and after it returns (It has the pleasure תענוג from...

Perek 4, Class 11, (61). Tanya (text based)

Torah and Mitzvos (8). Hugging the King, garments make no difference. Inside Mitzvos there is Atzmus.