Tanya (text based) Chapter 14 Class 1 (110)
Tanya Chapter 14 Class 1 (110)0:00 – 4:16 Intro to the perek4:16 – 5:38 Perek 14 is a new Beinoni – the Middos HaBeinoni. Madregas HaBeinoni describes a personality (inyan from mehus) versus Middos HaBeinoni which describes a behavior. You have to be somebody and you have to do something. 5:39 Begin to read inside...
Tanya (text based) Chapter 14 Class 2 (111)
Tanya Chapter 14 Class 2 (111)NOTES:Tanya Perek 14 (2) : “Middos ha Beinoni: Minute to Minute Self Control”0:00 – Introduction: This class is a second pass through Perek 14 withmore detailed analysis. In the previous class on Perek 14 the page wasread and translated up to the last line “I don’t want to be such...
Tanya (text based) Chapter 14 Class 3 (112)
Tanya Chapter 14 Class 3 (112)Class 3 on Perek 14 begins a discussion of “ahava misuteres” that will be stated in detail in Perek 18-19. The Alter Rebbe refers to “ahava misuteres” here without explanation. Rabbi Paltiel explains “ahava misuteres” and how it differs from other types of love and why it is an essential...
Tanya (text based) Chapter 14 Class 4 (113)
Tanya Chapter 14 Class 4 (113).The focus of this class is to clarify that Hashem did not create us to be perfect – He created us to be ourselves. Two approaches to Avodas Hashem as a Beinoni are contrasted: with and without emotion. The avodah of serving Hashem with no feelings – with kabbalos...
Tanya (text based) Chapter 14 Class 5 (114)
Tanya Chapter 14 Class 5 (114)Class 5 on Perek 14 This class presents an analysis of the tzadik in matters of the heart – “Dovor ha-masur lilev” (things that have to do with the heart). The meaning of a tzadik is that he loves Hashem and hates evil. If a person has some evil inside...
Tanya (text based) Chapter 14 Class 6 (115)
Tanya Chapter 14 Class 6 (115).The language that seems to dominate this Perek is דבר המסור ללב.There are two types of people (or so it seems): those who are connected to דברים המסורים ללב and those who aren’t.It helps answer the unasked question of why does the oath have a double expression.The double expression תהי...
TANYA (text based) CHAPTER 14 CLASS 7 (116)
TANYA CHAPTER 14 CLASS 7 (116).The idea of every person attempting to do the work of Tzadik, תהי צדיק ואל תהי רשע.The idea is that the oath (made before we’re born) requires that we try, והשם יעשה הטוב בעיניו Hashem can do whatever He wants.And on a higher level, there’s the idea of habit (of...
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