Tanya Chapter 18, Class 1 (133).
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 1 (133).This class introduces the second section of the Tanya: teaching a method to achieving Beinoni, to people with limited faculties (mind, heart, concentration) using the inner love (אהבה מסותרת).This is accomplished through imagination (כח הדמיון) which is very different from Hisbonenus etc.
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 2 (134).
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 2 (134).If one cannot learn or contemplates or feel can be a Beinoni using the Ahava Misuteres (hidden love).This is achieved through visualization rather through intellectual contemplation.Four questions are raised:1) Where is the Ahava Misuteres from?2) What is Ahava Misuteres.3) How can a love be inherited?4) How does Ahava Misuteres include...
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 3 (135).
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 3 (135).Four questions, the Rebbe answers the third question first, how did we inherit feelings (Hidden Love for Hashem)?Answer: The Avos merited that THEY begin this gift that all thier children after them should share a point of Kedusha,Explaining Kedusha. Inside the עמוד; they are connected and the lowest and the...
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 4 (136).
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 4 (136).A bit on 12 Sivan.The place where the Kedusha rests is in Chochma, that is the Bittul point in each world and S’fira. Minute 19.44 A discussion about “how Avrohom became a Yid” comes up in this class.
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 5 (137).
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 5 (137).Chochma.The Ein Sof needs to rest in a place that can hold it, and this is Chochma.The explanation for Chochma using the Rebbe’s explanation of the Mishna לא מצא הקב”ה כלי מחזיק ברכה לישראל אלא השלום why the double negative?Because nothing can hold infinity except Bittul and that is Shalom.
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 6 (138).
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 6 (138).More on Chochma, inside.The idea of some great Neshamos ending up by lowly people (which is the anomaly) was discussed. The intellectual process of Chochma and how (and why) Chochma is so different from all the other Kochos, and as such is a Keli for Ein Sof.
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 7 (139).
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 7 (139).Emuna Part One:The Alter Rebbe gives us two symptoms of the Ahava Misuteres: 1) Emunah, 2) Mesiras Nefesh.He explained with Emuna first.The smartest people abandon reason when tings are beyond their mind, when it comes to Him we (all do ourselves a favor by) are like fools.Even a non-Jew who...
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 8 (140).
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 8 (140).Emuna Part Two:The two levels of Emunah: 1) from Chaya (or: Mazal) 2) and from Yechida (or: Etzem).Indirect relationship with reason and no relatedness to reason whatsoever. The lower can be forgotten over time but not the higher one.
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 9 (141).
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 9 (141).Mesiras Nefesh (Part One):The second symptom of the Ahava Misuteres the Alter Rebbe discusses is Mesiaras Nefesh.This class began with a reading inside, and then we told stories of Mesiras Nefesh.
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 10 (142).
Tanya Chapter 18, Class 10 (142).Mesiras Nefesh (Part Two).In this class we discussed the difference between Mesiras Nefesh that has an indirect connection to reason (from Chaya) and one that has no connection at all to reason and comes entirely form the Neshama (Yechida). Moronoes compared to Chanania Mishoel and Azaria (who were prophets!!!). The...
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