Tanya Chapter 19, Class 01 (143).
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 01 (143).The discussion on Ahava Misuteres continues here with an example of a candle whos fire wishes to rise and go to its’ source though it will become “nothing” there, still this is its’ want in it’s nature.The Neshama also has a similar want, though she will (also) become “nothing” through...
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 02 (144).
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 02 (144).Teva, what it normally means (Klipa) and what it means here (Mesiras Nefesh).Beyond reason.
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 03 (145).
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 03 (145).We continued our discussion of he two ideas of Teva.We began the discussion on Klipa (not Bittul).To be continued.
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 04 (146).
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 04 (146).Klipa is not 1) Bottul 2) not ready for Mesiras Nefesh, 3) and considered death.The class was about the connection between life (Emes, eternity) and Kedusha, and that Klipa is therefor death.
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 05 (147).
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 05 (147).So far we discussed three ideas that separate Kedusha from KlipaA. Bittul vs. YeshusB. Mesiras Nefesh vs. YeshusC. Living vs. not livingNow we add a fourth:D. Free vs. being in Golus.In the Neshama’s case even she who is in Galus, is still not in Galus in it’s source; it is...
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 06 (148).
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 06 (148).Ahava Misuteres, due to this unusual feature of the Neshama, that the spark of Chochma in Chochma can never be exiled, only asleep.The Pshat of the Maharal about us being forever free after Yetzias Mitzrayim.
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 07 (149).
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 07 (149).This class begins with a long introduction about 2 Kislev.The Ahava Misuteres which is never exiled, only asleep is awakened at moments of tests about Emuna itself and at that point its power is unlimited, בין בהיתר בין באיסור.
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 08 (150).
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 08 (150).1) Long introduction 10 Kislev.2) When Ahava Misuteres is awakened- no limit to its’ readiness for Mesiras Nefesh.
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 09 (151), REVIEW.
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 09 (151), REVIEW.This class is mostly a review of the Tanya after the break of several months.The four stages of the Tanya: 1) Yechidus, 2) Ma’amarim, 3) Kuntreisim, 4) Sefer Likutei Amarim.The first method is intellectual, mind rules over the heart (even) by nature.The second method is about visualization: picturing the...
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 10 (152).
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 10 (152).The notion of Ahava Misuteres is explored again. How can someone love and not know it? It is because it is planted in his Soul.We explore the difference between Galus (loss of control) and Shaina (sleep, where we still have control, we ‘just need to’ wake up).When the Pinttele Yid...
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 11 (153).
Tanya Chapter 19, Class 11 (153).This class ends Perek 19 and answers the fourth of the four questions asked in the beginning of the pervious chapter (18).We inherited the hidden love as gift Hashem gave our Avos; it presides in our Chochma; and it is the basis for unconditional faith and sacrifice (Mesiras Nefesh) like...
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