
Tanya Chapter 20, Class 1 (154).

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 1 (154).In order to use Ahava Misuteres to serve Hashem on a regular daily basis, it is necessary to control and manage it practically.Explaining this will take six Perakim. At the send of it the Alter Rebbe will explain using the power of Mesiras Nefesh to have full self-mastery (Beinoni). First...

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 2 (155).

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 2 (155).This class introduces the subject of Achdus Hashem, by giving two overviews:1) We discussed the Halachos of A. Emuna (a pre or super Mitzvah); B. Yedias Hashem (the 1st Mitzvah: Anochi Hashem Elokecha); C. Achdus Hashem (the 2nd Mitzvah: Shma Yisroel… Echod) and what these three mean.2) We also discussed...

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 3 (156).

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 3 (156).1) Discussion (about 15 minutes on Rebbe RaShaB and Besi Nissan).2) Quick review of two discussions of last week.3) Two Mitzvos we heard directly from Hashem, positive and negative of Avoda Zara, because they encompass the entire Torah.4) Hadran on RaMbaM this makes world and Yiddishkeit real (the two sidedness).5)...

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 4 (157).

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 4 (157).This class begins with (another introduction (!!!)) three levels of Hisbonenuyos (contemplation):A. On the level of Mimalei Kol Almin, I exist and God gives me life, and I depend on Him.B. On the level of Sovev Kol Almin, I exist but next to Him I am (virtually) nothing.C. In Atzmus...

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 5 (158).

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 5 (158).This is the first of the two levels of Achdus the Alter Rebbe discusses here on the Possuk אני ה’ לא שניתי. The world is like one word: from two letters of the one word בי-ה הוי’ צור עולמים.When compared to the ‘Soul of Words’, and more so, when compared...

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 6 (159).

Tanya Chapter 20, Class 6 (159).[1) The topic of these Perakim (as a whole) is about Achdus Hashem, and in this Perek its the Achdus of the world being insignificant, כלא חשיב, like one word against infinite possible words of speech and (above that) thought; and (above even that, in) the Nefesh itself, where ‘there...